Sunday, March 30, 2014

WWF, one of the world's largest and most respected independent conservation organization with 6 million supporters and a network of more than 100 offices on five continents, opens its office in Korea finally. WWF has a huge success with 'Earth Hour' campaign in Korea over the years.

On March 28, 2014, WWF officially celebrated its presence in Korea with a launching party, where Eco-save club had an opportunity to observe. 

The party main event had started with the congratulatory message from the UN Director General, Mr. Ban, Ki-moon, then the Director General of WWF, Dr. Marco Lambertini gave a speech over the WWF's mission in Korea. Over 300 people were there to celebrate WWF's presence in Korea.

WWF-Korea will focus on addressing ecological footprint issues, engaging on key policy discussions, and creating awareness about biodiversity.  WWF-Korea will have a special role in leading the WWF network in the Asia-Pacific region-building on Korea's strong engagement on climate and energy issues, its leadership in various corporate and industrial sectors and its innovatory prowess, as well as its critical role in sustainable fisheries, particularly tuna.

Dr. Lambertini told me that he started his eco career as a reporter to an eco-magazine when he was 12 years old. He emphasized a little attention and step on environment would make a huge difference in the future. He wished all his best to all the youth who have dedicated their time in eco-work.

It was an inspiring night for Eco-save club to reflect our work so far, and reconfirm our commitment to save the planet.

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