Sunday, January 30, 2011

Eco-Generation Street Campaign

Today, we participated in a large street campaign with other Eco-generation ambassadors. This two-and-a-half hour long activity took place in Itaewon, a small part of Northern Seoul. The campaign began at 1:00 P.M. From then to about 2:20 P.M. we all ate a nice, fulfilling lunch at a nearby Outback Steakhouse. Since there were almost twenty people, we had to use about ten connected tables and eat from about forty different plates.

During the massive lunch, all of the eco-generation ambassadors discussed how to promote environmental awareness through campaigns, green articles, videos of interviews with environmental experts, and possibly advertisements. We stood out in the cold weather on a raised platform next to a major metro station. There, we handed out pamphlets about our organization and gave an explanation to each passerby. Although some of those around us ignored us and rejected our offers, we were still able to raise awareness among many other people. During this time, I learned many different creative ideas on ways to raise awareness among the general public about all the environmental issues we are facing with every day and in the near future.

 The most important part was the street campaign since I felt many different emotions. Many foreigners seem to care more about the environment compared to the passing Koreans. Out of about fifty passer-bys, only twenty took interest. We seriously need to work on raising awareness.

(In the left photo) This is me standing next to my teacher, whom I surprisingly met at the metro station by pure chance. We took a photo together on the raised platform.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a coincidence! To bump into your teacher in the middle of Itewon! *.*
