Sunday, January 9, 2011

Biodiversity survey results

  We have gathered all our survey results, based on a public of about age ten to twenty, and have analyzed them by making three circle graphs. The first graph (Q1. What is biodiversity?) apparently shows us that the general public does not know about the biodiversity that well; only a third of the people polled knew what it was or heard about it. The second graph (Q2. What is biodiversity related to?) is at least good news since everybody can infer what biodiversity is related to. The last graph (Q3. How much of the world’s plant diversity for food and agriculture has been lost during the 20th century?) brings the worst news for only 15 percent of the public could answer the question correctly. Therefore, in the next meeting we are going to decide what to write in our personal letter to UNEP Korea or possibly the Seoul Metropolitan Government. An option we are considering is to convince the organization to include environmental awareness in the regular school curriculum.

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