"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs,but not every man's greed." -Mahatma Gandhi
Monday, December 6, 2010
Biodiversity Essay Competition - II
There are several major problems facing the world. One of them is a reduction in the earth’s biodiversity. Biodiversity refers to the variety of life. Natural diversity in ecosystems provides essential economic benefits and services to human society, particularly food and clothing. Without biodiversity, the ecosystem would not be able to sustain itself. Considering the unpredictable future from climate change, biodiversity is a key element to the survival of humans. Even so, reckless human activities have driven a vast number of species towards extinction, thereby threatening human survival.
Agricultural biodiversity has been dramatically changed. The livestock industry, in particular, has experienced a transformative change from small family ranches to large-scale, intensive production, heavily dependent on a very narrow range of high output breeds. As a result, local animals have been driven out. Many breeds with diverse, unique characteristics, such as disease resistance or tolerance to extreme weather, are facing extinction. These breeds include species of the Siberian Yakut cattle that can survive in freezing temperatures and the Namaqua Africander sheep that can survive without water for a long time. If a virus breaks out, attacks our “cattle factories,” and wipes out all the cattle, our hope should lie in a virus resistant breed. If the temperature of the earth drops to freezing point due to climate change, the Siberian cattle species would be our only hope. Without diverse breeds, humans will no longer be able to eat meat.
Overfishing has driven blue fin tuna to extinction. Blue fin tuna is a popular ingredient for sushi. Sushi’s growing popularity has increased the demand for the fish, and hence, the price of blue fin tuna has skyrocketed to over $500,000 per fish. This has caused an increasing number of fishing vessels to adopt highly developed, modern technology. These vessels can detect any trace of blue fin tuna from the deep water over a great distance. People are consuming more tuna than the sea is producing. As a result, its population will not last long. Without an international commitment to preserve this species, humans will no longer see it in the near future.
Here is a great historical example to show the enormous power human activities wield over the nature. The almond we know right now was originally from a poisonous plant. Lots of people died because of not knowing this fact. One day, a boy ate an almond, but he did not die because it was not poisonous. This accidental discovery of the non-poisonous almond led people to begin planting non-poisonous almonds. Therefore, the non-poisonous almonds kept on growing in number and the poisonous ones were crowded out until they no longer exist. This tells us that if human activities focus on a species or a breed and intensively cultivate it, the others will disappear. That is why we need to take diversity seriously.
A real problem lies in our lack of concern for the diversity issue. Many of us do not realize its significance, but the problems have steadily started to get bigger and will seriously affect our lives in near future. In order to stop animals from becoming extinct, we need to wake everyone up to make them realize the imminent disaster from the loss of biodiversity. By Yeokyoung Alberta Yoo
Friday, November 26, 2010
Biodiversity Essay Competition - I
We participated in an essay competition. The topics were preserving biodiversity or saving energy. I chose to write about biodiversity. This is one of the essays submitted into the essay competition:
Suppose a massive climate change crisis descended upon the world and all our livestock died? How will we obtain protein-rich food? Our only hope is other species that can survive harsh circumstances. Unfortunately, we are killing off these unusual species in order to increase the population of our normal livestock. Therefore, if our current livestock resources would be depleted, we would have no other back-up food source for extinction is an irreversible process. Scientists believe that humans have triggered a mass-extinction of a scale never seen since the last major mass-extinction, 65 million years ago, at the end of the dinosaurs’ epoch. Biologists have estimated that about 30,000 species see their last member die annually. By the end of the century, nearly 500,000 species would have become extinct. It is believed that, in the last 100 years, humans have increased the extinction rate by over 1,000 times.
Biodiversity has been a serious issue for a few decades. Although, many governments and organizations have tried to tackle the problem with several methods, there has been no sign of improvement. All efforts to stop the mass-extinction have been futile. The main reason why there has been no progress is because we have pitted biodiversity preservation and human welfare against each other. For years, preservationists have believed in the hotspots theory, in which twenty-five locations in the world with the most diverse plant life are protected at any costs. Usually, these hotspots are in rainforests. People have lost their homes and wealth while moving out of these national parks. However, plants make up less than one percent of the Earth’s life tree. Hence, it is unreasonable to justify that the more the plant life in a location means the more biodiversity. Recently, numerous conservationists have opposed this theory and have developed ecosystem services strategy. Why place biodiversity and human welfare on opposite sides of the see-saw? This new strategy informs the public about our dependence on the resources of ecosystems and aims to protect biodiversity for the sake of humans. Therefore, we must preserve biodiversity because it is essential to humankind’s survival.
Currently, we owe our terrestrial ecosystems a great debt. Without any of them, humans would become extinct. The raw materials, food, and other resources we obtain from the life around us helps all of us survive. It is safe to state that everything we make or use involves nature’s resources in some way. However, we are using these resources at an uncontrollable pace. In 2000, the United Nations launched the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Conducted by an international team of more than 1,300 scientists, four aspects of ecosystem services were assessed: provisioning (resources from nature), regulating (nature’s control over catastrophes), cultural (benefits for social relationships), and supporting (basic elements of ecosystems). It was reported that nearly all of these services have not only declined, but have been used unsustainably. Simply put, we humans are fueling our own destruction. The damage of Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004 and Hurricane Katrina in 2005 was amplified by the lack of vegetation on coastlines. In both cases, humans depleted vegetation along coasts, leading to more damage than with vegetation. Moreover, farmers in the Sahara desert are affecting economies half the world away. Every year, several hundred million tons of sand is blown away to the Caribbean Sea, in which coral reefs and local industries are harmed. Natural resources are the backbones of developing economies. Improving the environmental situation is to alleviate poverty for 750 million people. Third, when ecosystems collapse, human health is threatened. Nearly two million people die of water contamination. Wetlands and forests can provide abundant resources of clean drinking water.
Biodiversity is not only helpful to humans now, but it can be crucial in the future. According to scientists all over the globe, there is a 70% chance of a global disaster to occur in the next century. This catastrophe can be a sudden climate change, an outbreak of a universal pandemic, or fluctuations in sea level. Regardless of the case, there is an extremely high chance of our main sources of food to become extinct during the event. Only thirty types of crops provide more than 90% of the world’s calories and 14 animal species that make up nearly 90% of our livestock. Moreover, all of these crucial species are prone to diseases and are sensitive to climate changes. If some of these keystone species die off, the entire world can become dead by a global mass-extinction. Fortunately, there is a solution to this dilemma. There are some relatives of our central plant and livestock species, which can withstand dire conditions, such as diseases and harsh climates. Some examples are the Blanco Orejinegro cattle of the Andes, Namaqua Africander sheep of Africa, and the Yakut cattle of Siberia.
essay competition,
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Eco-generation street campaign
On August 12, 'Eco-generation' hit the street!
Eight ambassadors from Korea gathered in Itaewon, Seoul, favorite hang-out place for foreigners. We set a booth where passersby could see the on-going environmental problems of Korea and pledge for green-conscious-life.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Laying Claim to the Rich Arctic Seafloor
The United States, Canada, and Russia are competing again for the vast riches under the Arctic Sea. The United Nations has reached a decision that the three nations are only to drill the resources two hundred kilometers from the edge of their continental shelf. However, all of the countries are claiming that their continental shelves reach far beyond the expected point. Russia has even stated that their continental shelf was beyond the North Pole. Therefore, all three nations started to send expeditions in order to clarify where their own continental shelves end.
Russia sent a small cruiser in order to investigate the North Pole to see if their continental shelf really does exceed the special point. Meanwhile, the United States and Canada are cooperating to investigate Beaufort Bay and the area off the coast of Alaska and Canada, which is constantly disputed among the two nations. Finally, BP and Canada has decided to erect the first drilling platform in the area owned by Canada. Pressure is building up because the United Nations will have to decide who will own the Arctic Ocean by 2013, and already the three nations are pressuring and urging the main committee.
Friday, June 25, 2010
BP spills coffee ( parody video clip)
Very witty parody from UCBComedy. This parody video clip shows the current status of BP's crisis management. In U.S., according to the media report, consumers are avoiding BP stations. Local BP gas station owners are pleading their customers to come back, but that won't likeyl to happen in the near future. Unless, BP executives are showing their sincere commitmment over the tragic incident. By Y.A. Yoo
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Interview on Conservation
Today, we interviewed a civil engineer who specializes in conservation. Our interviewee, Dr. Yoo JeongWahn, talked about how civil engineers try to minimize the damage done to the environment during a construction project. Many countries are having massive development projects, and civil engineers are trying their best to maximize the convenience of humans and minimize the environmental damage.
I believe that structures that are both beneficial to humans and the environment must be built. If conventional buildings are constructed, the environment will be destroyed and if development is stopped altogether, humans will lead inconvenient lives. We surely need more civil engineers.
Please watch the video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7W60n4lnNcPlease watch the video
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Lakeview Gusher: The World's Worst Oil Spill
The Lakeview Gusher was a small well owned by the Lakeview Oil Company. The company wished to find a small amount of natural gas and petroleum. However, under the small amount of fossil fuels, there lay the one of the largests oil reserves in the world. In curiosity, when the workers drilled down to about 2,500 feet, all hell broke loose. Oil gushed out and made a fountain of several hundred feet high. On average, nearly 18,000 barrels (2.9 million liters) poured out of the well every day . At its peak, the gusher spewed out an uncontrollable 100,000 barrels (16 million liters) daily. Therefore, the well spilled 9 million barrels (1.4 billion liters) during a 18-month period. The workers had to use dykes and sand bags to prevent the oil from spreading. Eventually, a massive lake of oil was formed and people had to use small boats to cross it.
Fortunately, scientists have invented something called the blowout preventer, a device that stops gushers from sprouting oil. Essentially, it consists of a mechanism that stops the uncontrollable flow of oil through a well by severing the pipe with hydraulic locks. However, these blowout preventers are not always a success. The recent Deepwater Horizon oil spill was caused by the failure of the blowout preventer. Therefore, I believe that we should have multiple lines of defense. Nearly all blowout preventer has only one stopper. Having numerous stoppers will ensure that, even though the first stopper fails, the secondary and tertiary stoppers will stop the oil. By Y.J. Kim
Fortunately, scientists have invented something called the blowout preventer, a device that stops gushers from sprouting oil. Essentially, it consists of a mechanism that stops the uncontrollable flow of oil through a well by severing the pipe with hydraulic locks. However, these blowout preventers are not always a success. The recent Deepwater Horizon oil spill was caused by the failure of the blowout preventer. Therefore, I believe that we should have multiple lines of defense. Nearly all blowout preventer has only one stopper. Having numerous stoppers will ensure that, even though the first stopper fails, the secondary and tertiary stoppers will stop the oil. By Y.J. Kim
Please refer to : http://green.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/06/21/the-era-of-the-oil-gusher/?scp=1&sq=gusher&st=cse
Korea's green customs
Whenever you travel somewhere, and you have nothing to declare, you step into a green-line to pass customs agency.
Korea has run 'Green customs plan' since 2009 to prevent the cross-border shipments of environmentally harmful goods, save energy and introduce other environment-friendly practices.
The WCO(World Customs Organization) set out 30 Action Plans in five Environmental Areas in Feb. 2008 and recommended active involvement of custom members in environmental activities. In response, Korea Customs has carried out practical efforts, including recycling of seized goods, tariff abatement for green products, and e-clearance and logistics system.
The customs agency has set and implemented two green strategies ― ``green by customs'' and ``green of customs'' ― and 14 specific plans from 2009. ``As a result, the KCS(Korea Customs Service) detected $2.3 million worth of environmentally harmful goods at the borders 2009 alone, and plans to double the figure in 2010. One plan the agency is focusing the most on is the e-document project.
KCS said that three types of trade documents were filed 100 percent electronically, it is expected to save 22,430 30-year old pine trees and preserve 330,000 square meters of forest, while generating 133 tons of oxygen and absorbing 50 tons of CO2.
I wouldn't know that stepping into a green line at the airport could mean a lot of things. By Yeokyoung Alberta Yoo.
Korea has run 'Green customs plan' since 2009 to prevent the cross-border shipments of environmentally harmful goods, save energy and introduce other environment-friendly practices.
The WCO(World Customs Organization) set out 30 Action Plans in five Environmental Areas in Feb. 2008 and recommended active involvement of custom members in environmental activities. In response, Korea Customs has carried out practical efforts, including recycling of seized goods, tariff abatement for green products, and e-clearance and logistics system.
The customs agency has set and implemented two green strategies ― ``green by customs'' and ``green of customs'' ― and 14 specific plans from 2009. ``As a result, the KCS(Korea Customs Service) detected $2.3 million worth of environmentally harmful goods at the borders 2009 alone, and plans to double the figure in 2010. One plan the agency is focusing the most on is the e-document project.
KCS said that three types of trade documents were filed 100 percent electronically, it is expected to save 22,430 30-year old pine trees and preserve 330,000 square meters of forest, while generating 133 tons of oxygen and absorbing 50 tons of CO2.
I wouldn't know that stepping into a green line at the airport could mean a lot of things. By Yeokyoung Alberta Yoo.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Second Attempt To Cap BP Well
BP has successfully capped its oil well at the bottom of the seabed. A well that was left during the first attempt was connected with a long pipe with a cap. At first, there were mixed results, because oil came out of the well at high pressure, a great deal of oil escaped. However, when the cap moved in closer, less oil escaped and the first barrels of oil started to reach the Q4000 Platform, in which the oil will be burned immediately because the platform does not have storing space. Methanol is being injected throughout the pipe to prevent ice crystals from forming in the pipe near the botton of the Gulf of Mexico. Two days ago, the well worked as planned and between 5,000 to 10,000 barrels of oil was being pumped up to the Q4000 Platform every day.
Gulf of Mexico,
oil spill
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Seoul Eco-Land: Future
By 2011, the Korean government will change all public transit vehicles into hydrogen fuel-cell or electric buses, which will not emit any greenhouse gases. In addition, there will be bicycles and electric automobiles available for rent, so that visitors can move quickly without damaging the environment. A elevator on the slope of a large hill will be availabe for tourists to view the entire vista of the massive park from a large glass room.
The Korean government is planning to make the Eco-Land as the icon of Seoul. They hope it will be a major tourist site. Therefore, they are adding numerous eco-friendly roads and courses to Incheon International Airport, on the banks of the Han River. The government officials are confident that this project will be the quintessence of green technology. By Y.J. Kim
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Seoul Eco-Land: Intro
In late November, 2009, Seoul finished the construction of the Seoul Eco-Land, one of the largest restoration projects in the world. On the banks of the Han river, the main river in Seoul, a site of 4.36 million square meters was changed from a massive dump site to one of the grandest eco-friendly parks in the world. In terms of size and history, the park vies with Central Park in New York City.
The Seoul Eco-Land is divided into four parks. These parks are connected with bridges, underground passageways, and staircases. These facilities are specially designed not to disturb the ecosystem of the majestic park. Changing a city's central dump site into an iconic green park is an unprecedented decision. By Y.J. Kim
Sunday, May 30, 2010
U.S. Plans ‘for Worst’ in Gulf, Seeing Risk in Leak Strategy
The U.S. Government was astounded at how the oil spill did not spot. Therefore, American officials made sure that if the oil spill did not stop for some time, BP will have to make a second relief well, in order to balance the pressure, stopping the leakage.
The American officials, including President Barack Obama, said that they are ready to take substantial actions in order to stop the worst leakage in American history. By Y.J. Kim
The American officials, including President Barack Obama, said that they are ready to take substantial actions in order to stop the worst leakage in American history. By Y.J. Kim
Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Horizons Oil Spill
BP is using numerous tactics in order to capture and get rid of the crude oil in the Gulf of Mexico spilling from the Deepwater Horizons accident. They tried to capture the oil with floats, then used a massive dome to suck up the oil, and now is dumping mud and cement to stop the oil from spreading. All of the oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico have stopped operating for some time while the Deepwater Horizons oil well is spilling about 12,000 to 25,000 barrels (1.4 to 6 million liters) every day. This is said to be the worst oil spill accident in the history of the United States, releasing twice the amount of the Exxon Valdez spill.
Although, I appreciate that the US government and BP are using all sorts of chemicals to stop the oil from spreading, bioremediation is also a very helpful tool. An excessive amount of chemicals is hazardous to the environment, whereas an abundance of microbes has no effect on the Earth. By Y.J. Kim
Although, I appreciate that the US government and BP are using all sorts of chemicals to stop the oil from spreading, bioremediation is also a very helpful tool. An excessive amount of chemicals is hazardous to the environment, whereas an abundance of microbes has no effect on the Earth. By Y.J. Kim
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Biofuels Are Not So Green
Did you know that biofuels are not actually eco-friendly? Since their discovery in the early 21st century, biofuels have been widely regarded as the means of saving the earth from environmental catastrophe due to harmful carbon emissions from fossil fuels. Research in 2001 and 2002 did show that biofuels were more green and efficient than fossil fuels. However, scientists then did not consider some crucial factors that would completely change our view of biofuels. Recent studies show that there are many disadvantages to using biofuels as alternative energy sources. Biofuels, once promising alternative energy sources, are not actually green. (Picture from Washington Post 2008)
To begin with, the production of biofuels causes enormous amounts of carbon dioxide to be released into the atmosphere. In the past, people thought that using biofuels released only a minute amount of carbon dioxide; indeed, burning biofuels emits eight times less carbon dioxide than burning regular fossil fuels. However, changing crops into energy sources yields a great deal of carbon dioxide. For example, forests are destroyed in order to create space for biofuel crops. This is unfortunate because forests play an important role in reducing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, absorbing forty percent of it. When forests are destroyed, carbon dioxide accumulates. Transporting biofuels across the globe produces a great deal of carbon dioxide as well. Moreover, during the refinement of biofuels, a large amount of carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere from the reaction created when oxygen is pumped into the liquefied crops. Thus, biofuels actually yield more carbon than conventional fossil fuels.
Second, producing biofuels causes deforestation, land degradation, and the destruction of the environment. The majority of people think that biofuels do not cause harm to the environment because they do not pollute the atmosphere or the oceans. Unfortunately, in order to produce biofuels, crops such as corn need to be grown. The amount of arable land on the planet is limited to approximately seven percent of the total surface area. Of this tiny amount of arable land, about half is already being utilized. Therefore, biofuel crops must be grown in the other half of the total arable land, most of which is located in large jungles and forests. When this occurs, deforestation is inevitable, even though it is quite hazardous to the organisms living in those areas and to the environment. Furthermore, soybeans are grown every year to replenish the nutrients of the land; if crops for biofuels replace those for soybeans, the land will be depleted and become barren. For this reason, those who want to cultivate biofuels tend to search mostly around the Amazon rainforest of Brazil. Therefore, biofuels can be partially blamed for deforestation and the destruction of the land and the environment.
Third, biofuels put an increasing strain on fresh water sources. A large amount of water is used in farming and irrigation. Just like other plants, biofuel crops require water to grow; it is crucial to their health. Biorefineries also need water. When biofuel crops are sent to refineries, the crops first have to be liquefied by pumping water into the spores of the stem. Hence, a large amount of water is used to produce a trivial amount of biofuel.
Fourth, the use of biofuels leads to the loss of biodiversity. In the past, most people believed that biofuels were not hazardous to any living organism because biofuels are essentially plants. However, excessive development for the cultivation of biofuel crops destroys natural habitats where many organisms live. For example, let us assume that the entire Amazon rainforest was cleared for biofuel crops. This would cause a catastrophic imbalance of biodiversity in the region because nearly twenty-six million exotic species would be wiped out, just for the sake of two or three species of crops for biofuels.
Finally, during the refinement of biofuels, a chemical compound called aldehyde is created. This compound is usually found in car exhaust, paint chemicals, cigar remnants, and construction materials. Not only is this chemical extremely flammable, but it also causes many serious health problems. For example, formaldehyde, part of the aldehyde group, causes headaches, skin disorders, and sick house syndrome. Sick house syndrome occurs when a person first arrives in a new building and inhales the formaldehyde from the wallpaper and other construction materials. This syndrome can develop into lung disorders, heart disease, and even cancer. Aldehyde, produced in the refinement of biofuels, may kill humans and animals.
In conclusion, biofuels are not green but quite dangerous. The production of biofuels emits large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, causes deforestation and land degradation, uses an enormous amount of water, leads to the loss of biodiversity, and produces aldehyde, an extremely harmful chemical compound. Therefore, biofuels as alternative energy is not as positive a solution as we have expected. By Y.J.Kim
To begin with, the production of biofuels causes enormous amounts of carbon dioxide to be released into the atmosphere. In the past, people thought that using biofuels released only a minute amount of carbon dioxide; indeed, burning biofuels emits eight times less carbon dioxide than burning regular fossil fuels. However, changing crops into energy sources yields a great deal of carbon dioxide. For example, forests are destroyed in order to create space for biofuel crops. This is unfortunate because forests play an important role in reducing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, absorbing forty percent of it. When forests are destroyed, carbon dioxide accumulates. Transporting biofuels across the globe produces a great deal of carbon dioxide as well. Moreover, during the refinement of biofuels, a large amount of carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere from the reaction created when oxygen is pumped into the liquefied crops. Thus, biofuels actually yield more carbon than conventional fossil fuels.
Second, producing biofuels causes deforestation, land degradation, and the destruction of the environment. The majority of people think that biofuels do not cause harm to the environment because they do not pollute the atmosphere or the oceans. Unfortunately, in order to produce biofuels, crops such as corn need to be grown. The amount of arable land on the planet is limited to approximately seven percent of the total surface area. Of this tiny amount of arable land, about half is already being utilized. Therefore, biofuel crops must be grown in the other half of the total arable land, most of which is located in large jungles and forests. When this occurs, deforestation is inevitable, even though it is quite hazardous to the organisms living in those areas and to the environment. Furthermore, soybeans are grown every year to replenish the nutrients of the land; if crops for biofuels replace those for soybeans, the land will be depleted and become barren. For this reason, those who want to cultivate biofuels tend to search mostly around the Amazon rainforest of Brazil. Therefore, biofuels can be partially blamed for deforestation and the destruction of the land and the environment.
Third, biofuels put an increasing strain on fresh water sources. A large amount of water is used in farming and irrigation. Just like other plants, biofuel crops require water to grow; it is crucial to their health. Biorefineries also need water. When biofuel crops are sent to refineries, the crops first have to be liquefied by pumping water into the spores of the stem. Hence, a large amount of water is used to produce a trivial amount of biofuel.
Fourth, the use of biofuels leads to the loss of biodiversity. In the past, most people believed that biofuels were not hazardous to any living organism because biofuels are essentially plants. However, excessive development for the cultivation of biofuel crops destroys natural habitats where many organisms live. For example, let us assume that the entire Amazon rainforest was cleared for biofuel crops. This would cause a catastrophic imbalance of biodiversity in the region because nearly twenty-six million exotic species would be wiped out, just for the sake of two or three species of crops for biofuels.
Finally, during the refinement of biofuels, a chemical compound called aldehyde is created. This compound is usually found in car exhaust, paint chemicals, cigar remnants, and construction materials. Not only is this chemical extremely flammable, but it also causes many serious health problems. For example, formaldehyde, part of the aldehyde group, causes headaches, skin disorders, and sick house syndrome. Sick house syndrome occurs when a person first arrives in a new building and inhales the formaldehyde from the wallpaper and other construction materials. This syndrome can develop into lung disorders, heart disease, and even cancer. Aldehyde, produced in the refinement of biofuels, may kill humans and animals.
In conclusion, biofuels are not green but quite dangerous. The production of biofuels emits large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, causes deforestation and land degradation, uses an enormous amount of water, leads to the loss of biodiversity, and produces aldehyde, an extremely harmful chemical compound. Therefore, biofuels as alternative energy is not as positive a solution as we have expected. By Y.J.Kim
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Green Transportation system in 2010 World Cup
My entire family is a huge soccer fan. My mom even delivered me while she was watching 1998 World Cup game. So, when I wathced an preview of South Africa's World cup preparation process on TV, scheduled to air this weekend on 'Inside Africa', I got hooked up by the phrase 'green-transportation system for 2010 World cup'.
In 2006, The Global Environment Facility (GEF) has earmarked approximately $11 million for upgrading the South African public transport system ahead of the 2010 World Cup. They believe that the World Cup presents a great opportunity to lay out a 21st century sustainable transport network in South African cities.
They aim to develop pilot projects, together with local governments, that will look at sustainable transport alternatives that would reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In smaller cities, plans are being developed to demonstrate how well-designed cycleways and pedestrian routes feeding into bus networks can offer rapid and efficient alternatives to private cars.
It is envisaged that no cars will be permitted within a two kilometer radius of the stadiums, and that using alternative means to get to the matches will be promoted as an advantage ? as simply the most efficient way of getting to venues. South Africa has a wonderful opportunity and sufficient time to use the excitement generated by the upcoming World Cup as an impetus for heightening the consciousness of South Africans about eco-friendly alternatives to transport, including the use of alternative fuels. Developing greener transport systems will have multiple benefits for South Africa long after the World Cup.
Achim Steiner, executive director of the United Nations Environment Programme, said, ë°¬se the four years that you now have to trigger the imagination of the nation.? He was speaking at Africa's first hosting of the Global Environment Facility in Cape Town. The GEF is a partnership that looks at ways to protect the global environment and promote sustainable development.
The GEF wants to help South Africa develop a good transport system that is environmentally sustainable. They do not simply want to replicate the transport systems used in Germany, but want South Africa to come up with plans and ideas unique to our situation. The GEF said that Mexico and Panama had both worked with GEF to develop systems that ë°½ive fantastic results? which not only reduce carbon emissions but also benefit public health, security and land management. A simple decision about where to put a bus route can affect millions of people's lives, Steiner explained. He urged the South African authorities to use the 2010 World Cup as a catalyst for a better, leaner transport system.
My parent's friends are going to move to South Africa in April.
They promise us to send the pictures of 'Green-transportation'. I will post them on Eco-gen site. Meanwhile, anybody interested in South Africa's green effort for the upcoming World cup Soccer game, please check out 'Inside the Africa' on CNN.
by Yeokyoug Alberta Yoo
In 2006, The Global Environment Facility (GEF) has earmarked approximately $11 million for upgrading the South African public transport system ahead of the 2010 World Cup. They believe that the World Cup presents a great opportunity to lay out a 21st century sustainable transport network in South African cities.
They aim to develop pilot projects, together with local governments, that will look at sustainable transport alternatives that would reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In smaller cities, plans are being developed to demonstrate how well-designed cycleways and pedestrian routes feeding into bus networks can offer rapid and efficient alternatives to private cars.
It is envisaged that no cars will be permitted within a two kilometer radius of the stadiums, and that using alternative means to get to the matches will be promoted as an advantage ? as simply the most efficient way of getting to venues. South Africa has a wonderful opportunity and sufficient time to use the excitement generated by the upcoming World Cup as an impetus for heightening the consciousness of South Africans about eco-friendly alternatives to transport, including the use of alternative fuels. Developing greener transport systems will have multiple benefits for South Africa long after the World Cup.
Achim Steiner, executive director of the United Nations Environment Programme, said, ë°¬se the four years that you now have to trigger the imagination of the nation.? He was speaking at Africa's first hosting of the Global Environment Facility in Cape Town. The GEF is a partnership that looks at ways to protect the global environment and promote sustainable development.
The GEF wants to help South Africa develop a good transport system that is environmentally sustainable. They do not simply want to replicate the transport systems used in Germany, but want South Africa to come up with plans and ideas unique to our situation. The GEF said that Mexico and Panama had both worked with GEF to develop systems that ë°½ive fantastic results? which not only reduce carbon emissions but also benefit public health, security and land management. A simple decision about where to put a bus route can affect millions of people's lives, Steiner explained. He urged the South African authorities to use the 2010 World Cup as a catalyst for a better, leaner transport system.
My parent's friends are going to move to South Africa in April.
They promise us to send the pictures of 'Green-transportation'. I will post them on Eco-gen site. Meanwhile, anybody interested in South Africa's green effort for the upcoming World cup Soccer game, please check out 'Inside the Africa' on CNN.
by Yeokyoug Alberta Yoo
James Cameron stands up for his cause
I watched the movie, 'Avatar' twice. First in digital, and second in 3D. I praised the movie for its eco-friendly theme.
Now I'm praising movie's director James Cameron for executing his message in real life.
This week, with his film star, Ms.Sigourney Weaver, Mr.Cameron is down in Brazil to protest the building of a dam in Amazon rain forest. Similar to the movie, an indigenous Amazon tribe will lose its home, if the construction starts. The dam is called, " Belo Monte" and would be the world's third-largest hydroelectric project when completed.
In Korea, 'New Green Deal' plan has launched since 2009. It's effect on the environment is still debated among the environmentalists.
Mr. James Cameron's words are quoted by locals:
"The snake kills by squeezing very slowly, this is how the civilized world slowly, slowly pushes into the forest...and takes away the world that used to be."
A penny for your thought?
by Yeokyoung Alberta Yoo
Green Naval Base in Jeju Island
Recently, our nation went through terrible emotional turmoil regarding the death of Waship 'Cheon-Ahn'. National security comes off as a top priority.
While I was reading about 'Oil-spill' in Mexican gulf, I came across an article about 'Jeju Naval Base', which plans to open in 2014.
According to the article, the new naval base will serve as the home port for the Navy's strategic mobile fleet of two Aegis destroyer-led squadrons to be initially operational beginning next year.
The mobile squadrons, which are designed to be rapidly deployed in regional conflict, consist of 4,500-ton KDX-II destroyers, 7,600-ton Aegis-equipped KDX-III destroyers, Type-214 1,800-ton submarines, anti-submarine Lynx helicopters and frigates, among others.
The Navy has two of the planned three KDX-III Aegis destroyers with the lead ship, Sejong the Great, deployed since last December. The second ship, Yi I, was launched last November for commissioning late this year.
The Aegis combat system, built by Lockheed Martin, is the world's premier surface-to-air and fire-control system, capable of conducting simultaneous operations against aircraft, ballistic and cruise missiles, ships and submarines. Only a handful of countries, including the United States, Spain, Japan and Norway, deploy Aegis warships.
The KDX-III is one of the most advanced Aegis warships. Its SPY-1D radar can simultaneously track about 1,000 aircraft within a 500-kilometer radius, providing 360-degree coverage.
The squadron is expected to develop the South Korean Navy's blue-water operational capability beyond coastal defense against a North Korean invasion, Navy officials say.
In line with the plan, the Air Force also plans to build a base for a search-and-rescue unit to help facilitate the Navy's operations in the southern waters.
"Jeju has long been considered a tactical, strategic point to secure southern sea lanes for transporting energy supplies and to conduct mobile operations in the case of an emergency in the region," the Navy official said.
"Following the construction, the Navy will be able to successfully conduct long-range operations to protect our commercial vessels in blue waters, including the Malacca Strait, as well as carry out full-scale operations around the Korean Peninsula," he said.
He emphasized that the base makes sense in terms of both military and commercial interests, as the nation`s economy heavily depends on trade, 96 percent of which is transported by sea.
However, there is a backlash. The construction site in Jeju is known for the beautiful coral reefs, and it has been named by the United Nations as key environmental treasures that should be saved. Building a naval base on top of these wonders of nature will not ensure they will be protected.
Also, local people are worried that their mundane life will be changed when the base starts to operate fully, citing the case of Okinawa.
Our national security is really mattered. We learn from current tragedy. Still, there's always a question that a sacrifice for a greater good can be legitimate or not. Also can we define 'sacrifice', and from whose perspective?
Again, a penny for your thought?
by Yeokyoung Alberta Yoo
While I was reading about 'Oil-spill' in Mexican gulf, I came across an article about 'Jeju Naval Base', which plans to open in 2014.
According to the article, the new naval base will serve as the home port for the Navy's strategic mobile fleet of two Aegis destroyer-led squadrons to be initially operational beginning next year.
The mobile squadrons, which are designed to be rapidly deployed in regional conflict, consist of 4,500-ton KDX-II destroyers, 7,600-ton Aegis-equipped KDX-III destroyers, Type-214 1,800-ton submarines, anti-submarine Lynx helicopters and frigates, among others.
The Navy has two of the planned three KDX-III Aegis destroyers with the lead ship, Sejong the Great, deployed since last December. The second ship, Yi I, was launched last November for commissioning late this year.
The Aegis combat system, built by Lockheed Martin, is the world's premier surface-to-air and fire-control system, capable of conducting simultaneous operations against aircraft, ballistic and cruise missiles, ships and submarines. Only a handful of countries, including the United States, Spain, Japan and Norway, deploy Aegis warships.
The KDX-III is one of the most advanced Aegis warships. Its SPY-1D radar can simultaneously track about 1,000 aircraft within a 500-kilometer radius, providing 360-degree coverage.
The squadron is expected to develop the South Korean Navy's blue-water operational capability beyond coastal defense against a North Korean invasion, Navy officials say.
In line with the plan, the Air Force also plans to build a base for a search-and-rescue unit to help facilitate the Navy's operations in the southern waters.
"Jeju has long been considered a tactical, strategic point to secure southern sea lanes for transporting energy supplies and to conduct mobile operations in the case of an emergency in the region," the Navy official said.
"Following the construction, the Navy will be able to successfully conduct long-range operations to protect our commercial vessels in blue waters, including the Malacca Strait, as well as carry out full-scale operations around the Korean Peninsula," he said.
He emphasized that the base makes sense in terms of both military and commercial interests, as the nation`s economy heavily depends on trade, 96 percent of which is transported by sea.
However, there is a backlash. The construction site in Jeju is known for the beautiful coral reefs, and it has been named by the United Nations as key environmental treasures that should be saved. Building a naval base on top of these wonders of nature will not ensure they will be protected.
Also, local people are worried that their mundane life will be changed when the base starts to operate fully, citing the case of Okinawa.
Our national security is really mattered. We learn from current tragedy. Still, there's always a question that a sacrifice for a greater good can be legitimate or not. Also can we define 'sacrifice', and from whose perspective?
Again, a penny for your thought?
by Yeokyoung Alberta Yoo
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