Thursday, May 6, 2010

James Cameron stands up for his cause

I watched the movie, 'Avatar' twice. First in digital, and second in 3D. I praised the movie for its eco-friendly theme.
Now I'm praising movie's director James Cameron for executing his message in real life.

This week, with his film star, Ms.Sigourney Weaver, Mr.Cameron is down in Brazil to protest the building of a dam in Amazon rain forest. Similar to the movie, an indigenous Amazon tribe will lose its home, if the construction starts. The dam is called, " Belo Monte" and would be the world's third-largest hydroelectric project when completed.

In Korea, 'New Green Deal' plan has launched since 2009. It's effect on the environment is still debated among the environmentalists.

Mr. James Cameron's words are quoted by locals:
"The snake kills by squeezing very slowly, this is how the civilized world slowly, slowly pushes into the forest...and takes away the world that used to be."

A penny for your thought?

by Yeokyoung Alberta Yoo

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