Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Korea's green customs

Whenever you travel somewhere, and you have nothing to declare, you step into a green-line to pass customs agency.

Korea has run 'Green customs plan' since 2009 to prevent the cross-border shipments of environmentally harmful goods, save energy and introduce other environment-friendly practices.

The WCO(World Customs Organization) set out 30 Action Plans in five Environmental Areas in Feb. 2008 and recommended active involvement of custom members in environmental activities. In response, Korea Customs has carried out practical efforts, including recycling of seized goods, tariff abatement for green products, and e-clearance and logistics system.

The customs agency has set and implemented two green strategies ― ``green by customs'' and ``green of customs'' ― and 14 specific plans from 2009. ``As a result, the KCS(Korea Customs Service) detected $2.3 million worth of environmentally harmful goods at the borders 2009 alone, and plans to double the figure in 2010. One plan the agency is focusing the most on is the e-document project.

KCS said that three types of trade documents were filed 100 percent electronically, it is expected to save 22,430 30-year old pine trees and preserve 330,000 square meters of forest, while generating 133 tons of oxygen and absorbing 50 tons of CO2.

I wouldn't know that stepping into a green line at the airport could mean a lot of things. By Yeokyoung Alberta Yoo.

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