Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Ocean Acidification

 Ocean Acidification

Written by Caleb Cheha Paik

    In contemporary life, ocean acidification is a critical environmental issue that mainly emerged as a consequence of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. As global environmental challenges, such as climate change, occur, the oceans are undergoing profound changes that are threatening marine ecosystems and biodiversity. 

    The primary cause of ocean acidification is the emission of atmospheric CO2. Oceans absorb this CO2, a process known as oceanic uptake, leading to the formation of carbonic acid. This carbonic acid changes the chemistry of seawater. Some human activities that cause the emission of CO2 are the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial activities.

    Many effects result from ocean acidification. The main problem is its impact on marine life. Ocean acidification significantly threatens marine organisms, particularly those with carbonate shells or skeletons. Ocean acidification caused by carbonic acid weakens these outer shells, hindering their ability to maintain their protective structures. Furthermore, these effects on shelled organisms can disrupt marine food webs. Species at higher trophic levels can experience reduced prey availability since their source of food is declining.

    Looking at a broader perspective, coral reefs are vital ecosystems that support various marine life and provide many services to humans. When ocean acidification is present, coral reefs become vulnerable as they struggle to build their skeletons. This jeopardizes the numerous benefits they offer, such as protection.

    Addressing ocean acidification requires global awareness and commitment especially since the main cause of it is due to a result of human activities. By understanding the causes and consequences of ocean acidification, mitigation methods may be attempted. Therefore, the urgency to act is evident, as the consequences of no action can impact the prosperity of marine ecosystems. 


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