Sunday, March 22, 2020

World Water Day

March 22nd each year is marked as World Water Day. World Water Day is about focusing on the importance of water.

It is already a widely known fact that water is a key component in our lives. Water is not only important for our body, which is 70% made of water, but it is also essential for the environment to thrive. Most organisms need water to survive, and the food chain makes water a necessary component to all living organisms on Earth. However, even though many people know that water is essential, many people forget how we are polluting it. : OpenHands fundraising link for World Water Day

For several years now, Ecosave Club has been looking for ways to help out people around the world who do not have access to clean, consumable water.
OpenHands is a non-profit organization that we have been in contact with for some time now. Together, we have been working on distributing the 'Water Kit' that the OpenHands organization created. Water Kit is a tool that allows filtering dirty water into clean water easily and quickly. (More information here: Ecosave Club members visited Phillippines a few times now, to help install Water Kits and change the filters.

A picture of me and my thoughts on volunteering, shared on OpenHands' annual report

To add some personal thoughts; as a long-time member, this act of volunteering to help those who are in need of key necessities, such as clean water, has become more than just sharing. Personally, I believe that helping someone in need must be done not because it makes you feel good, but because it must be done. Helping must be an action done purely because that is the right thing to do. The moment you do it because it makes you feel good, yourself becomes a receiver of that help. Therefore, I do not think that I am doing a good thing when I am helping these people; I am doing it only because that is what should be done.
It is certainly an area that I still need to work on, but I hope many people around the world realize the true meaning of helping.

On the same note, protecting our world and water must be something that everyone must play a role in, as it is something that should be done.

by Ji Won Cindy Kim

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