Monday, July 8, 2019

Ecosave Outreach 2019/06/23~25

A few weeks ago, the Ecosave team got a chance to visit Cherry School and Baytown in the Philippines. It was a very short visit; we went to Baytown on the first day and Cherry School on the second. Our main goal was to have fun with the kids with games and also educate them about the importance of hygiene. Because we couldn't communicate with the kids directly, the locals there who could speak English helped us translate. It was an amazing experience. The weather was extremely hot and humid, but the kids there were still very cooperative and welcoming. For Cherry School, we brought our own books from home and also helped Cherry install computers and the internet. The kids really loved it. Seeing the kids having fun and enjoying themselves was very rewarding for all of us.
Hygiene Education at Baytown

Having fun with the kids!

Getting ready for games

Lunch time at Baytown

Group photo with Cherry in the middle

We decorated the walls with photos taken that day

The computers that we installed

Water kit in use!

Interviewing Cherry and two of her students 

Lunch that we prepared for the students

Group photo with the kids

Posted by Ji Won Cindy Kim.

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