Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Christmas Party at Cherry School Students

On December 28th, we held a small party for around 100 students at Cherry's School with the money we had fundraised. The children wanted towels for their Christmas present, as it is a rare item in their village. We were able to buy 100 towels with the money we had fundraised and some food for their party. The children absolutely loved their gifts and were thrilled about the party. Hosting the party was another great experience to be able to give happiness to the kids. We also hope that the towels will help reduce water usage in their village and help the environment. Cherry thanked us for the party and the smiles on the children's faces were bright as always.

Cherry's Thank-You Message

by Ji Won Cindy Kim

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Interviews with Mr. Paddack, Executive Director of WWF Int'l

Back in 2014, a couple of months after I joined the Eco-save club, I remember walking into Mr. Paddack’s office at WWF Korea without knowing anything about him or what he does. We talked for about 20 minutes but I was still pretty clueless as his words about the environment sounded like an alien language. However, growing from a naive 6th grader to a senior in high school, I’ve learned not just about the environment but also about what I want to pursue in the future.

So, when Mr. Paddack was willing to sit for an interview with me, I was ecstatic. Mr. Paddack, now working as Executive Director of WWF International, perfectly incorporated his expertise in business/economics with his passion for the environment to make meaningful changes in this world. So he is a huge role model for me. Throughout this interview, I asked him about his work with WWF but also about how I should go about my passion for both economics and environmental studies. It was an insightful interview that allowed me to learn more about WWF’s mission to preserve the environment on a global level and also get advice from a professional who has walked the steps I strive to walk in the future. 

Here is a video clip of the interview with Mr. Paddack back in 2014. I look so little… Time flies!

By Justin Chung

Monday, September 30, 2019

Cherry School Change

Ms. Cherry opened her home, despite poor conditions, as a temporary school for neglected children in the area. There are no chalkboards or desks, but only dirt grounds where children sat around to learn. We, Ecosave club members, consistently got together for fundraising to help improve the learning environment for Ms.Cherry and her school. Cherry school which was originally a crowded space covered in dirt floor transformed into a well-organized cement floor classroom with desks and chairs. Furthermore, Cherry school was able to build an additional floor to her home to provide separate classrooms. The first floor will be used for school and the second floor for Ms. Cherry's family living space.
Initially, construction started with about half of the necessary funds in place, but by the completion of the rebuild, more donations from other charitable organizations allowed us to finish the project. And upon its completion, Cherry school was able to obtain its official name 'Cherryl Learning Center'.
It was very satisfying to see such great improvement in Cherry School as children will be able to develop their dreams in a better learning environment.



By Justin Chung

Thursday, September 26, 2019

How to use water kit

                          Video instruction on usage method for the new water kit.
  This new water kit purifies water in three stages, illuminating water related diseases 
  by 99.999%.
Open Hands uses water kit to clean drinking water in contaminated areas.
Trained volunteers help maintain water purification at various homes and schools.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Ecosave Outreach News (from Open Hands Blog)

감동의 6월! 나눔이 있는 아웃리치! 
Month of Impression! Outreach with sharing!

지속적인 만남을 이어가는 ‘에코세이브’ 학생들과 체리학교 아이들~!

래딕스에 이어서 23~25일에는 국제학교 환경연합 동아리인 ‘에코세이브’의 필리핀 아웃리치가 진행되었습니다. 묘지마을로 유명한 베이타운 지역에서 미니운동회와 손세정제를 이용한 위생교육을 진행하며 아이들과 재미나고 감동스런 시간을 만들어갔습니다.
아이들과 함께 뛰놀며 얻은 감동은 이나라완에 위치한 체리 선생님의 가정학교로 이어졌습니다. 체리학교에 지속적인 지원을 하고 있는 에코세이브!

이전 까지는 학교의 모습을 갖출 수 있도록 도왔다면 이번 활동에서는 재미있고, 유익함을 더한 교육과 미니게임을 통해 실제적인 교육환경을 마련하기 위한 활동에 중점을 두었습니다. 이곳에 컴퓨터 4대와 도서를 기증하고 직접 컴퓨터를 활용한 교육과 위생교육, 미술수업을 실시하며 아이들에게 더 좋은 교육 환경을 제공하도록 도왔습니다.

특별히 이번에는 체리 가정학교가 Cherryl Learning Center라는 이름으로 공식 학교이름이 탄생하였습니다. 이를 기념하기 위해 학생들은 직접 학교 간판도 설치하며 의미 있는 시간을 보내고 돌아왔습니다.또한 워터킷을 사용하는 가정을 직접 방문하여 깨끗한 물을 제대로 공급받고 있는지 점검하며 이곳에 더 좋은 환경에서 아이들이 꿈을 키워나갈 수 있도록 지원했습니다.

Ongoing relationship building between Ecosave students and Cherry school kids~!

Following Reddix, the Philippines Outreach of "EcoSave", an international school environment circle, was held on 23-25th of June. In the Baytown area, famous for its cemetery, we organized mini-sporting event and hygiene training session using hand cleanser to create fun and inspiring time with children.
Fulfilling experience of playing with the children led us to Cherry's home school in Inawan. Eco Save continues to support Cherry's school!

Previously, Eco Save helped to establish the basic structure of the school. But now the focus was on activities to create a real educational environment through mini-games and enjoyable educational session. We have donated four computers and various books for general education and special learning session on hygiene and art classes using computers, and to provide a better educational environment for children.

This year, we officially named the Cherry's school 'Cherryl Learning Center'. In commemorating this event, students were able to come back with a meaningful experience. We also visited families using water purification kits to check if they are receiving clean water while helping children to develop their dreams in a better environment.
Ecosave students who carry out 'handwashing' hygiene education ~!
 Students preparing for computer installation and training programs ~!

Ecosave team installing the signboard ~!

 Ecosave members changing water purification kit!

6월의 무더위에 맞서 지속적인 나눔을 펼쳐준 래딕스 임직원분들과 에코세이브 동아리 학생들 모든 분들께 진심으로 감사의 말씀을 전합니다~!
We would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of the Reddix employees and the Ecosave Club members who have provided continuous support despite the scorching heat of June.

Monday, July 8, 2019

Ecosave Outreach 2019/06/23~25

A few weeks ago, the Ecosave team got a chance to visit Cherry School and Baytown in the Philippines. It was a very short visit; we went to Baytown on the first day and Cherry School on the second. Our main goal was to have fun with the kids with games and also educate them about the importance of hygiene. Because we couldn't communicate with the kids directly, the locals there who could speak English helped us translate. It was an amazing experience. The weather was extremely hot and humid, but the kids there were still very cooperative and welcoming. For Cherry School, we brought our own books from home and also helped Cherry install computers and the internet. The kids really loved it. Seeing the kids having fun and enjoying themselves was very rewarding for all of us.
Hygiene Education at Baytown

Having fun with the kids!

Getting ready for games

Lunch time at Baytown

Group photo with Cherry in the middle

We decorated the walls with photos taken that day

The computers that we installed

Water kit in use!

Interviewing Cherry and two of her students 

Lunch that we prepared for the students

Group photo with the kids

Posted by Ji Won Cindy Kim.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Inarawan AfterSchool Building(Cherry School) Extension

Cherry School 증축!
안티폴로 지역 이나라완 마을의 체리 선생님은 자신의 집을 개방하여 배움에 소외된 아이들을 모아 가정 학교를 시작했습니다.

그러나 열악한 환경 속에서 공부해야 하는 아이들과 체리선생님 가족들의 사연을 전해들은 국제학교 연합동아리 에코세이브(Ecosave)팀이 지속적으로 학습 환경 개선을 지원해주고 있습니다.

특히 에코세이브의 지원으로 증축 작업을 진행할 수 있게 되어 기존 1층을 아이들의 공간으로, 증축되는 2층을 체리 선생님 가족들을 위한 공간으로 활용할 예정입니다.

아이들이 더욱 쾌적한 환경에서 배움을 통해 꿈을 이루어 갈 수 있도록 끊임없는 관심과 응원을 부탁드립니다!
In a town of Inarawan, Antipolo district, Ms. Cherry opened her home as a home school for neglected children in the area.

In response to Ms. Cherry's needs, a group of environment club members of Ecosave, representing different international high schools in Seoul area, consistently got together to help i
mprove the learning environment for Ms. Cherry and her school.

With the support of Ecosave members, Ms. Cherry's school was able to build an additional floor to her home to provide separate classrooms. The first floor would be used for school and the second floor for Ms. Cherry family's living space.

We ask for your continued interest so children may raise dreams through better learning environment.!

from Open Hands Blog 04/03/2019

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Dream built on Cherry's House (from Open Hands 2018 annual report)

In a rural town of Inarawan in the Phillippines, Ms. Cherry opened her home, despite poor conditions, as a temporary school for neglected children in the area. There is no chalkboards or desks, but only dirt grounds where children sat around to learn.  In response to Ms. Cherry's needs, a group of environment club members of Ecosave, representing different international high schools in Seoul area, consistently got together to help improve school flooring and provide school supplies. With the support of Ecosave members, Ms. Cherry's school was able to build additional floors to her home to provide separate classrooms. As a result, students no longer needed to repeat setting up and cleaning up classes every day.

Ms. Cherry (Inarawan home school teacher)
"My home was not adequately fit to be a school, but Ecosave team helped to significantly improve our school environment. I hope to instill learning habits for underprivileged and less academically inclined students so that they may complete minimum high school education. I hope to provide an environment where students could freely come to learn. We would appreciate your continued support and interest in our school."

Kim Jin Won (Grade 12, Yongsan International School of Seoul)
"Our support and involvement with Ms. Cherry's school began after hearing about their school needs. It's almost like a miracle to see the progress being made with classrooms and even a library being built.  It is exciting to witness how a school could change a student's life, family and community.  I hope to find ways to provide computer-led education and customized curriculum for different ages. Emphasis on the hygienic environment and disease awareness are key to maintaining a clean and safe learning environment."

Lee Eun Soo (First year, Harvard University)
"I cannot forget the cute round eyes of all the children when I first saw them. Initially, our goal was to provide basic support but we realized providing an educational opportunity is the best support for these children to pull themselves out of poverty. Continued development is needed to make a better world to live in. I hope to extend myself to be able to help children in need."

Kim Ji Won (Grade 10, Korea International School)
"I'm just glad and thankful our small support is able to make such a big change to Ms. Cherry's home.  Our support activity allowed me to look deep down inside myself. Environment and poverty issues seemed much distant on news or articles, but first-hand look and witness of such issues surrounding our society shed a realistic view on the current situation. I felt inadequate to do anything on my own, but this collective effort provided a good opportunity for me to be part of a support drive."

Chung Hyun Ho (Grade 11, Seoul Foreign School)
"My experience with Ecosave made me realize the importance of NGOs like UN that focuses on helping those in need. There are still a vast number of underprivileged children without any opportunity to learn. I learned there's a great value in helping these children in need rather than just being comfortable in our comfort surrounding. It's wonderful to see how the learning environment for Ms. Cherry and her students have improved since two years ago when we first visited here."