Thursday, December 21, 2017

IVI Tour

Today, our club met at the International Vaccine Institute branch in Seoul, where IVI first started. It is a non-profit organization where vaccines are developed and delivered to developing countries in order to prevent the spread of diseases. We were lucky enough to get a tour and learned the purposes and the goals of IVI. In relation to our club, IVI focuses a lot on preventing the spread of diseases from water sources since diseases such as cholera are prevalent in developing countries. We believed that our short experience at IVI could teach us the detrimental and far-reaching effects that contaminated water can have on human health as well. Thus, it is all the more imperative for our club to focus on water filtration and the cleanliness of water as well. 

Overall, it was an unique experience because IVI is an exemplary organization that supports those that are in need and those that are incapable of helping themselves. 

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