Thursday, July 21, 2016

2nd EcoSave Workshop - Edible Insects and Water

In continuation of the first successful workshop, we decided to hold another one to encourage younger students to continue to be engaged in environmental issues. Held on July 2nd, the workshop was based on edible insects and the importance of water.

Once again, we opened up with presentations from each member of the club in order to help the children get a sense of what the day's topic was about. However, we provided something different from the previous workshop by including a hands-on experience for the students. To introduce the importance of water, we presented the children with a filter, made by a NGO called "Open Hands." This NGO makes filters for communities in the Philippines to enhance their water quality and prevent certain diseases. The students learned what the filter was made of, how it was put together with the water container, why people used it, and were able to actually taste tap water through the filter.

Next up on the agenda were the presentations by the children. Guided by one of the club members, each group chose one edible insect, researched for 30 minutes, created a powerpoint, and presented to other groups.  Along the process, we gave out cookies with edible insects in them. Although some kids were disgusted and ran away with one glance at the cookie, others found the cookies delicious and crunchy. Some of them even picked the insects out of the cookie to see how they tasted like!

We wrapped up by giving out goody bags, and the children were already curious and eager about when the next workshop would be. Although the day's lesson mainly regarded insects, a topic not a lot of people are fond of, we were glad that they went home, knowing that edible insects are actually good for the environment. Overall, we were glad the second workshop was another success and that we were able to use our knowledge to help educate younger children about the environment and how to improve it.

By Soo Lee


  1. A great and an encouraging workshop. Come to Uzbekistan and help me open a workshop like this

  2. Thank you for your interest and support!
