Saturday, July 23, 2016

Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering seems like a revolutionary breakthrough in technology. Most people applaud it for its various abilities and purposes. However genetic engineering has many consequences that people disregard. The use of genetic engineering may seem alluring for its benefits, but the risks may outweigh the potential benefits. These days genetic engineering can be another way for humans to act on their own conveniences, while neglecting possible consequences for the environment. Considering the consequences of genetic engineering would be conserving a part of the environment. Ultimately, we should carefully exercise the use of genetic engineering because of its threats to the environment.
Genetic engineering poses a risk to the environment. Genetically engineered plants harm the environment in several different ways. According to, plants that have their DNA altered may be invasive or toxic to other plants in wildlife. The most harmful impact genetic engineering can have on agriculture is pesticide resistance. Several weeds have become resistant towards pesticides. These weeds provide an alarming issue for farmers as it spreads rapidly. Furthermore, this agitation prompts farmers to use even more toxic herbicides to battle these weeds.
Surprisingly, cloning animals can harm the environment as well. One practical reason for cloning animals is to save an endangered species. However, this shifts our focus from protecting their habitats. We have an excuse to let their habitat dissipate since we have a more convenient way of saving them. This is not an ideal method to conserve the environment. Letting an animal live without their home is not conserving nature at all.
The reduction of genetic diversity also becomes an issue with genetic engineering. According to Harvard University, an increased variety in DNA is necessary for organisms to adapt to changing environments. The potato famine in Ireland provides a great example for this situation. In the 1800s, the potatoes in Ireland were clones, which means they were genetically identical. An invasive pathogen, called P. infestans, caused a severe famine as it wiped out the entire population of potatoes. With no potatoes with favorable traits, no potatoes were able to survive the attack of the invasive pathogen.
Advantageous genes in genetically modified organisms may also increase their survival in a wild population. These organisms will survive and outlast their wild relatives. Thus, this reduces the amount of genetic diversity as GMOs reproduce at a faster rate than the latter.
Animals may also suffer due to genetic engineering. First of all, a lot of animals have to die in order to produce a few number of successes. Many transgenic organisms are also likely to die in the early stages of their life. All in all, genetically engineering can be inefficient as 85 to 90 percent of organisms fail to show the desired trait.
The well-being of the environment is far more significant than the revolutionary astonishments that genetic engineering may provide. Even though there are benefits of genetic engineering, the dangers of it can’t be ignored heedlessly. Our environment always seems to be ignored. Therefore we have to recognize that genetic engineering may be the newest offender to ignore the consequences of the environment.

Posted by Daniel Kim

Thursday, July 21, 2016

2nd EcoSave Workshop - Edible Insects and Water

In continuation of the first successful workshop, we decided to hold another one to encourage younger students to continue to be engaged in environmental issues. Held on July 2nd, the workshop was based on edible insects and the importance of water.

Once again, we opened up with presentations from each member of the club in order to help the children get a sense of what the day's topic was about. However, we provided something different from the previous workshop by including a hands-on experience for the students. To introduce the importance of water, we presented the children with a filter, made by a NGO called "Open Hands." This NGO makes filters for communities in the Philippines to enhance their water quality and prevent certain diseases. The students learned what the filter was made of, how it was put together with the water container, why people used it, and were able to actually taste tap water through the filter.

Next up on the agenda were the presentations by the children. Guided by one of the club members, each group chose one edible insect, researched for 30 minutes, created a powerpoint, and presented to other groups.  Along the process, we gave out cookies with edible insects in them. Although some kids were disgusted and ran away with one glance at the cookie, others found the cookies delicious and crunchy. Some of them even picked the insects out of the cookie to see how they tasted like!

We wrapped up by giving out goody bags, and the children were already curious and eager about when the next workshop would be. Although the day's lesson mainly regarded insects, a topic not a lot of people are fond of, we were glad that they went home, knowing that edible insects are actually good for the environment. Overall, we were glad the second workshop was another success and that we were able to use our knowledge to help educate younger children about the environment and how to improve it.

By Soo Lee

Friday, July 8, 2016

Acid Rain - one of the effects of Air pollution

Environmental pollution and climate change are becoming a greater threat to mankind.
Acid rain is one of the effects of Air pollution. Therefore, Air pollution becomes worse, Acid rain problem comes up bigger issue in our society.

Acid rain is any form of precipitation that contains high levels of nitric and sulfuric acids. It can occur in forms other than rain such as snow, fog, etc. Acid rain is a dilemma all around the globe but there are certain regions where this precipitation is more critical. The source or cause of this issue is simply air pollution. As factories and automobiles emit nitrogen and sulfur into the air, it causes a chemical reaction high up into the atmosphere. Those chemicals mix with water and oxygen which generates acid rain. Thus, the cause of acid rain is due to manmade sources. 
This problem is a global issue that affects all the regions on Earth. This is because no matter where the pollution is, the water cycle moves the pollution around and spread the acid rain to different locations. Although the problem is not severe yet, it is a growing concern that we should definitely be aware of. As air pollution increases, acid rain increases as well which obviously means the amount of acid rain is escalating. This is definitely problematic because acid rain does a lot of harm to many different things and places. First of all, it damages the aquatic environment. Acid rain always reaches the water source either directly, by flowing down a forest, etc. When this happens, the pH level or the level of acid significantly decreases. This is dangerous because fish need a particular level of pH in order to survive. The impact of pH level is that it makes it impossible for fish eggs to hatch and it also kills adult fish. Therefore, acid rain has a colossal influence on aquatic life. Secondly, it abuses forests and trees in particular. Acid rain breaks down the tree’s defense which causes it to be more vulnerable to diseases, extreme weather, and insects that can destroy the trees. Next, it also has a big impact on architecture, especially buildings. When acid rain makes contact with buildings, especially those made out of limestone, it makes the buildings weaker and easier to decay. This is the same for others such as airplanes, cars, bridges, etc. Lastly, it affects people in the way that it deteriorates people’s vision and it can cause problems in their lungs and hearts in the long term. Despite these destructive effects of acid rain, fortunately there are many places around the world trying to diminish this issue. Governments are cleaning industry smokestacks and trying to find alternate fuel sources to decrease the pollution resulting in acid rain. In addition, the EPA’s Acid Rain Program has been putting a limit to the emission of sulfur dioxide by putting a cap on the use of power plants. Overall, the issue is not good but there are many people that are trying help decrease the problem.

In order to reverse the problem, the only thing we can do is curbing the release of the pollution that is causing acid rain. The best thing we can do is to burn less fossil fuel. Therefore, we need to find alternative energy sources to utilize instead of fossil fuel. In addition, to limit acid rain, it is important to clean up exhaust pipes and smoke stacks. However, not only certain people have the ability to do this but everyone can contribute to stopping acid rain. The most important thing is to conserve energy and everyone can do this. For example, using less electronics, lights, air conditioning, etc. can all help decrease air pollution. Another way to help is by driving less and using public transportation. Cars and trucks all release lots of nitrogen oxide which is a factor that causes acid rain. Although these are really little things, it can add up to make a huge difference in society. Currently, there are many things that are being done in order to raise awareness of this detrimental situation. For example, commercials, ads, newspapers, and many other things are being released into the internet. All of these are all contributing to raise awareness. Something that can be done even more to help the situation is sharing this problem in social media.

By Justin Chung