Saturday, July 11, 2015

This is a sample version that follows the real resolution published in the United Nations.
It provides background information in the preambulatory clauses and specific policies in the operative clauses.

COP Decision 1

Committee 1
Topic : Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Reduction
Signatories: Japan, Norway, ROK, Russia, Sweden, Tuvalu, United Kingdom, United States of America


            Concerned that the threats of climate change and greenhouse gas emissions driven by excessive human activity and industrialization are increasing at a dangerous rate,

            Alarmed by the imminent consequences of climate change and increasing greenhouse gases that influence the atmosphere, land, and the ocean in both developed and developing nations worldwide,

        Bearing in mind that the international society has been cooperating to reduce the Greenhouse Gases through the Kyoto Protocol and the Copenhagen Accord,

            Noting with deep concern that despite the past efforts of the Kyoto Protocol and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), net emissions of greenhouse gases yet increased by 35% from 1990 to 2010 due to the lacking political willingness of the participant nations,

            Recalling that the nature of climate change and greenhouse gas emissions requires common but differentiated responsibilities, according to the Article 3 of the Rio Convention, from all stakeholders such as organizations, corporations, and individuals,
            Congratulating the member states on their successful collaborative efforts to produce progress and meaningful outcome at the Bonn Climate Change Conference held in June 2014, regarding the current status of climate change and greenhouse gas emissions,

1. Calls for the formation of an international laboratory and research center managed by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), composed of experts from member nations by:
          a) Agreeing to empower the UNFCCC as a medium for solving international climate change problems and promising to abide to the policies decided during the conference,
          b) Encouraging investment financial and human resources to send out experts to the developing nations by aiding from developed nations and through and the funding from the UNFCCC and  UNDP,

2. Further calls for the conduction of research on annual greenhouse gas emissions to every nation state by:
          a) Mandating nations states of the UNFCCC to report the amount of emissions in the public domestic sector, the private and public transportation, and major industries of all member states involved in the UNFCCC to decrease greenhouse gas emissions in inefficient sectors,
          b) Sending  advisory panels to nations that do not have enough  technology to collect data on greenhouse gas emissions and provide further advice on inefficient industries,

3. Requests the UNFCCC laboratory to lead and direct researchers in the areas of sustainable energy development and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, with the specific goal of becoming the medium for technology sharing between both developed and developing nations in methods such as but not limited to:
          a) facilitating the cooperation between the industries or institutions and the governments of developing nations receiving the aid,
          b) directly transferring the information and expertise from international sources to the local personnel and facilities to prevent over-dependence and to promote self-sustainability in the long-term future,
          c) setting norms and standards by deciding:
                      i. the level of carbon emissions to be reduced for countries of different economic and development rates in a year to adapt to the changing industrialization and growth levels
                      ii. the number of renewable energy projects and initiatives to be approved and funded in a given period of time,
         d) acting as a unified channel and forum of communication for different nations to represent their stance on emissions to ensure that all necessary perspectives will be more effectively included in consideration,

4. Requests the international society to set an annual carbon budget upon individual nations based on the 2020 target of greenhouse gas emissions under the Copenhagen Accord and to establish new targets for the member states currently not involved in the Accord through means such as but not limited to:
        a) evaluating the carbon budget of each individual nation according to:
                     i. annual greenhouse gas emissions report provided to the UNFCCC laboratory, focusing on the reduction of greenhouse gases in industries with inefficient gas emission,
                     ii. annual levels of economic growth and development,
        b) urging the implementation of a monetary penalty system that targets member states that do not abide by the carbon budget and other legally binding requirements under the UNFCCC through means such as but not limited to:
                     i. creating an international standard the limit on greenhouse gas emission per metric tons,
                     ii. differing the standard based on the socioeconomic status of each country—allowing weaker standards for developing nations,
                     iii. using the gathered financial funds for running the laboratory and administering projects of the UNFCCC,
                     iv. further penalizing nation states that refuse to pay the fine through diplomatic sanctions within the United Nations such as confiscating the right to vote during the voting sessions,

5. Calls upon the governments of the member nations to economically incentivize the reduction in carbon emissions to render their consumption more environmentally responsible through means such as but not limited to:
      a) setting carbon budgets to limit the amount of greenhouse gases that private corporations are allowed to emit over a specified time,
     b) implementing a climate levy, a tax on energy delivered to non-domestic users within the nation, to provide an incentive to increase energy efficiency through means such as but not limited to:
                 i. allowing a specific percent of discount from the levy to sectors that agree to improve their energy efficiency or to reduce carbon emissions,

Kathy Ga Yeon Moon

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