Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Waste affecting marine wildlife

     Plastic waste entering the marine life has been a huge factor to the injuries and deaths of many ocean wildlife. As human daily lives are made more convenient by the use of plastic, more plastic waste has been discovered in coastal towns all over the world. Plastic is usually not visible right on the surface of beaches or rivers, but tons of it are found down underneath where most fish, dolphins, and other sea creatures live. Some plastic materials that are found in oceans are plastic bags, straws, and bottles. Unfortunately, lots of creatures get tangled up in things like plastic bags. They also consume plastic waste that can result in suffocation or a false sense of being full which can lead to starvation. In long term, these plastic pieces can break  down into smaller particles which are eaten by smaller species and is passed down onto the chain cycle. So in a sense, we’re eating our own waste.

     Plastic is not the only material that creates and issue in the oceans. For example, millions of balloons that reach the ocean are consumed by various sea creatures and bring great harm to them. Recently, pieces of a balloon was found in the stomach of a turtle. This is why most environmental organizations are making an effort to prevent mass balloon releases. There are a variety of ways that these wastes reach the ocean but it is mostly there due to human’s lack of concern for marine life. If more people take their time to think about how their actions can greatly affect the lives of animals, there would be less endangered animals.

Posted by Justin,Chung

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