Wednesday, October 23, 2013

2013 United Nations International Year of Water Cooperation

2013 United Nations International Year of Water Cooperation

Pollution in the Hudson River from
an upstream golf range
2013 is the International Year of Water Cooperation designated by the United Nations. Each year, the UN decides to promote an eco-friendly concept by designating each year with this idea. For example, 2012 was the International year of Sustainable Energy for All and 2014 will be the International Year of Family Farming.

Water is a resource that is shared by all countries of the world. The substance is essential to life, food production, economic growth, and environm
ental preservation. Since water is becoming more scarce, nations must work together in managing water.

Here are some interesting facts:
  • 780 million do not have access to clean water
  •  Six to eight million die each year due to water-related crises
  • Aoubt 2.5 planet Earths are required to ensure that every person on Earth can live the average North American/European lifestyle
  • 300 to 800 million people in sub-Saharan Africa live in environments without enough water

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