Monday, December 30, 2013

Club Meeting: 2014 and Onwards

The Eco-Save Club held another meeting today and all our members came together to reflect upon our activity in 2013 and to prepare new ways to further our cause in the coming new year.

One issue that we all noticed this past year, especially in our schools, was the massive waste of printer and copy machine paper. Students often forgot to print double-sided and pressed the “Print” button multiple times out of impatience, resulting in many sheets of wasted paper. In response all our members have been hard at work creating notebooks from recycled scrap paper for the past few weeks. By placing our logo on the front covers and distributing them to peers at our respective schools, we hope to remind our peers that every sheet of paper they waste leaves a deeper scar on our endangered forests.
In order to further raise awareness at our schools, our members have also created one-page leaflets to pass around amongst our peers.

We left the meeting room with high hopes and we plan on working even more diligently to let those around us know about the harm inflicted on our planet.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello~guys! Our meeting was really informative and alerting at the same time. The amount of waste we create in our daily lives will go straightly with the global warming issue. Using the recycled paper at home and in public will be a small step to help out the environment. ^^* By Alberta Yoo

  3. After the meeting, I learned that a lot of paper is getting wasted so it really inspired me to save more paper by using recycled paper. I was also motivated to study about the ecosystem and try to save it from the things that are harming it.Thank u!! -- Justin Chung

  4. The issue of wasting paper notified me to save more paper. I learned that wasting paper can harm the environment around us, and is a major factor of pollution that effects us too. Working with recycled paper can help our environment significantly.
    - Daniel
