Sunday, October 8, 2023

Food & Water Security

  Food & Water Security

by Caleb Cheha Paik

 Food security is important to understand for the well-being of the people. In a rapidly developing world, food security has been a critical challenge to maintain. As the population increases rapidly, the need to safeguard these resources become more paramount.

    Food security revolves around the accessibility, availability, and stability of food sources. At its best, each individual person will have enough food to live a long, healthy life. However, this is far from reality. Unfortunately, this ideal remains absent for a significant portion of the world. 

    While there are many challenges to food security, three main ones are apparent. First, population growth is a major challenge to food security. With the global population already being over 8 billion people, the demand for food supply skyrockets. This puts immense pressure on the industry. Next, climate change is also a challenge to food security. Due to the increase of greenhouse gasses, global warming, erratic temperatures, extreme weathers, and irregular precipitations disrupt agriculture. This reduces crop yields and threatens food production. Lastly, food security is challenged due to scarce resources. Diminishing land, such as deforestation, will lead to reduced biodiversity, ultimately harming agricultural outputs. 

    To prevent these challenges, certain ways can be implemented. These include sustainable agriculture, which can utilize certain farming practices to enhance productivity while minimizing environmental impact. Furthermore, the use of technological innovations, such as genetically modified crops, can increase crop yields. Lastly, promoting a wider variety of crops can increase resilience to changing weather conditions.

    In conclusion, while food security is an urgent matter in the world, it can be prevented if people unite to do so. 

Energy Security

  Energy Security

Written by Caleb Cheha Paik

 Energy security, the uninterrupted availability of energy sources at an affordable price, is critical to a nation’s well being and prosperity. It revolves around the reliable and affordable access to energy resources, as well as protection against supply disruptions and price volatility. In today’s day and age, energy security is a global imperative sought by countries all around the world. 

    Energy security is significant for three reasons: economic stability, national security, and environmental sustainability. Economic stability and growth correlates with a consistent and affordable energy supply. Industries, businesses, and households rely on various amounts of energy in order to function efficiently. Furthermore, energy price spikes or shortages can cause reduced economic activity, inflation, and job losses. Secondly, overreliance on foreign energy sources can lead to consequences to a nation’s security. It renders the nation susceptible to geopolitical pressures, as energy exporting countries may use their source of energy as leverage to exert control. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine serves as a great example. Prior to the conflict, Ukraine and its allies heavily depended on Russian natural gas supplies. Consequently, these countries suffered a heavy impact on their energy security and economy. Lastly, energy security is not only about access to energy but also about the sustainability of energy sources. As the world is prioritizing cleaner and renewable energy, ensuring a stable, effective transition is essential for addressing climate change.

    To ensure energy security and its importance, a nation can implement many actions. Governments can encourage the use of diverse energy, including conventional and renewable, to reduce susceptibility  to price fluctuations and supply disruptions. They can also promote energy-efficient practices/programs in industries and households through regulations, and campaigns. These programs can include policymakers creating an environment for renewable energy development, including research funding and tax incentives. Furthermore, investment in energy infrastructure and collaboration among nations can ensure reliability and resilience especially during crises that require urgent mitigation. 

    Energy security is a complex issue that requires crucial attention. The current world needs to ensure energy security more than ever as the world faces challenges such as climate change and geopolitical tensions. 

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Internship with Open Hands - Birth registration for the Vietnamese

Internship with Open Hands - Birth registration for the Vietnamese

Written by: Grace Hyunjoo Lee

In remote areas of the Philippines, there are people who live in extremely 

impoverished conditions. Many of them live without being registered as lawful citizens 

of the Philippines and often do not feel the need to register their children either. 

As a result, those children do not have the opportunity to attend school or get a job. 

Without proper education or support from the government, these children grow up 

to live a life suffering from poverty like their parents. 

Since 2021, the Ecosave club members have been supporting those children 

to obtain proper citizenship in order for them to be protected by the social safety net. 

So far, 18 children have obtained citizenship in the Philippines 

with our support. 

In July 2023, I had an opportunity to work for Open Hands with 2 other members 

of the Ecosave club for 3 weeks.We launched an effort to extend the birth registration 

initiative to include babies being born in Vietnam. We learned that birth registrations 

in Vietnam are different from the Philippines, as they can be made only at the time of birth 

with records of hospital visits.

In partnership with Open Hands, by raising awareness about the issue 

using campaign boards, fliers, and communication through social media, 

we supported birth registration for 12 babies in Vietnam. 

I felt very proud to lead the process of target setting, brainstorming, planning, 

and final execution. I feel appreciated that I am able to help out others with our skills 

and resources and continue to guide them through each of their journeys. 

I hope those babies and children will benefit from our social support and get 

one step closer to achieving their dreams.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Making sustainable dates cake for my dog!

Sustainable Dates Cake for my dog! 

Dates, otherwise known as "Daechu" in Korean or jujube, are a well-known low-fat, cholesterol-free snack for dogs to enjoy. This ingredient contains various vitamins, minerals and fiber, making it not only perfectly safe for dogs to eat but also providing them with health benefits. With our ecosave project promoting sustainable awareness of edible insects, I decided to integrate these two ingredients to create the perfect healthy and environmentally-friendly recipe for my dog.

Hence, I started baking dates/daechu cupcake for my dog. Because I wanted it to be extra healthy for my pet, I decided to replace normal flour with almond flour. But of course, the main ingredient was the edible insects. By using mealworm powder and edible dried mealworm and crickets to top the little cupcake at the end, I made sure that my dog was getting all the protein she needed. Since my dog loves to run, I found that it could damage her joints, which is why she needs to consume protein. Whilst thinking of the best protein source, I reflected on how our Ecosave club endeavored to create edible insect cookies for dogs and how edible insects are a nutritious protein source. 

By demonstrating how so many delicacies can become healthier with just edible insects, we aim to promote and spread awareness of the importance of using edible insects as an alternative food source for a more sustainable and an environmentally friendly future not only for humans but also for our lovely pets! 

My dog loved it!!

Written by : Ella Nakyo Hong 

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Fundraising and picking up trash in Apgu, Seoul


During the summer, Ecosave Club organized a plogging event where our members gathered in Apgu, a popular spot for socializing and shopping in Seoul. Our members gathered in this neighborhood to clean up the streets, finding various items like plastic bottles, advertising flyers and leftover food from the previous day. 

We collected them in biodegradable trash bags. Although we couldn't pick up every single piece of litter, we hope our project still contributed to cleaning up the area. We were pleased to see some locals in the area supporting our initiative by joining in the trash pickup. For instance, a store manager guided us to areas with vast amount of trash. 

Furthermore, we held a fundraiser after the plogging event to generate funds for creating birth certificates for the children in the Philippines. These birth certificates cost around $115 and most Filipino families are unable to afford them - leading to lack of access to quality education, proper health care. Through this event, Ecosave club aims to improve the access of children in the Philippines to fundamental human rights

Written by: Ella Nakyo Hong

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Thousands of Dead Fish Washed up on Texas Shore

Thousands of Dead Fish Washed up on Texas Shore

By: Grace Hyunjoo Lee

Thousands of dead fish washed up on the shores of the gulf coast of Texas over the weekend, revealing a distressing sight to local authorities, visitors, and tourists. 
The incident, which occurred in Brazoria County, more than 40 miles south of Houston, was a result of waves from the Gulf of Mexico pushing in dead fish. This event is said to be a result of low levels of dissolved oxygen in the water, making it difficult for the fish to breathe. This phenomenon, commonly known as a "fish kill," is actually not uncommon during the summer months when temperatures rise in the region.
While no direct link to climate change has been established in this particular occurrence, experts have pointed out that fish kills like this one may become more frequent as temperatures continue to warm and oxygen levels in lakes across the United States and Europe decline.
The amount of dissolved oxygen in water largely depends on the process of photosynthesis. During daylight hours, plants in the water undergo photosynthesis. However, as sunlight disappears at night, photosynthesis slows down, while aquatic plants and animals continue to consume oxygen at the same rate. This leads to a decrease in oxygen concentration, making it challenging for fish to survive.
The incident shows the delicate balance of ecosystems and the potential consequences of environmental changes. As global temperatures continue to rise, such fish kills may become more frequent, requiring a closer examination of the underlying causes and the urgent need for climate action. It is crucial for people to work together to implement sustainable practices and mitigate the impacts of climate change to protect the earth and humans for future generations. 

Works Cited:


Sunday, August 6, 2023

Distribution of the Edible Insect Board Game

 Distribution of the Edible Insect Board Game

Written by Caleb Cheha Paik

    Recently, Ecosave had a captivating idea to capture the attention of young people: the Edible Insect Board Game. No, you do not eat edible insects while playing the board game. However, the concept is that through this board game, young learners across the world can become interested in seeking out the role that insects play for the environment and the world. Over the past year, this unique game made its way across the seas to two different countries including the United States and South Korea. 


    Last Year, the Edible Insect Board Game made its first destination in the United States. Specifically, 30 different American elementary schools and public libraries received this board game to captivate the overall purpose of having edible insects. Although the board game did not contain factual information about the environment, it still introduced the younger generation to a concept that they may have not heard before. Thus, sparked curiosity may be an outcome, leading to future explorations related to this topic.

    Building upon the success in America, the Edible Insect Board Game made its second destination in South Korea this year. This time, 10 South Korean kindergartens and public libraries received the board game with the same goal: to influence the minds of young children. Furthermore, one of the Korean Kindergartens sent us pictures of the children actually playing the board game. Seeing their enjoyment, it was clear that this board game idea was a success.

    Regardless of where the Edible Insect Board Game goes to, the idea is always the same. We, Ecosave, will continue to influence the people around the world by spreading awareness of the environment and its imperative need for aid. 


The Environmental Shift

Written by Caleb Cheha Paik

         Many of you might know that the Industrial Revolution was an important period in human history that triggered many advancements in technology, economic growth, and societal changes. Machines and factories increased and the world witnessed a significant shift to industrialized economies. However, this shift came with a considerable cost to the environment. 

Before the Industrial Revolution, human societies mostly relied on agricultural practices and local craftsmanship. Large factories were basically nonexistent, and most production included manual labor. Additionally, population densities were much lower, causing minimal environmental impact. For example, forests covered extensive areas, providing habitat for wildlife and overall increasing biodiversity. Due to this agricultural approach, humans and nature had a harmonious relationship since ecosystems were left undisturbed, 

However, beginning in the late 18th century, the Industrial Revolution began. It led humanity into a new era of mass manufacturing. The number of factories rapidly proliferated, which in turn gave tons of employment opportunities. Therefore, there was a dramatic environmental change since pollution and resource extraction exponentially rose. 

Due to this immense change, the environment was harmfully affected. Some of this effects include:

  1. Deforestation: The demand for wood and land for factory construction led to widespread deforestation. This severely impacted ecosystems and reduced biodiversity.

  2. Air Pollution: The burning of fossil fuels released abundant amounts of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere, contributing to global warming or climate change. 

  3. Water Pollution: The emission of industrial waste into bodies of water contaminated fresh sources, endangering marine life and human health.

These are only some of the immense effects the Industrial Revolution brought to humanity. Thus, it can certainly be said that the Industrial Revolution was a turning point in human history, driving economic growth but demanding a heavy toll on the environment. 

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Climate Crisis: Extreme Temperatures

Climate Crisis: Extreme Temperatures

By: Grace Hyunjoo Lee

Recently, the earth has been experiencing extremely high temperatures, July 2023 being the planet’s hottest month on record. With this new record and continuous heat across the world, extreme heatwaves have become more frequent, raising concerns about the effects of climate change and the problems posed to the environment and humans. Hot weather events are becoming increasingly severe and frequent, and record-breaking temperatures are becoming the new norm. 

One of the most concerning aspects of this trend is the frequent repetition of these extreme heat events. Records that were set just a few years ago are now being broken with alarming regularity. Climate scientists warn that if we fail to curb greenhouse gas emissions soon, this upward trend in both temperatures and natural disasters will simply continue. 

The increased and unnatural amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere changes the chemical composition of the atmosphere, making it thinner and therefore more easily penetrable. This decreases the albedo effect, which means less energy or heat is reflected back into space and absorbed into Earth. 

These are some of the challenges and problems this poses:

  • Health Risks: Extreme heat is a threat to human health. Especially in areas such as Arizona, heat strokes have become more frequent. Other possible illnesses are dehydration and heat exhaustion.

  • Agricultural Impact: High temperatures can destroy crops and agriculture. The heatwaves can lead to soil desiccation, less water, fewer crops, and therefore increases food prices.  

  • Water Scarcity: Hot weather worsens already existing water scarcity issues. Higher temperatures increase the evaporation of water, leading to reduced water levels in lakes, rivers, and reservoirs. 

  • Wildfires: Extreme heat and more frequent droughts cause more wildfires to spread rapidly. These fires destroy wildlife and result in worsened air quality and the destruction of human settlements.

Haddad, Mohammed. “What Is the Highest Temperature Ever Recorded in Your Country?” Infographic News | Al Jazeera, Al Jazeera, 18 July 2022, 

Friday, June 30, 2023

Behavioral and Social Science on Environmental Concern

 Behavioral and Social Science on Environmental Concern

Written by Caleb Paik

Mentioned in my previous report, space debris is nothing compared to human activity on the impact of Earth’s environment. These activities come in many different forms: overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. Environmental changes like these are everywhere. They have triggered multiple forms of environmental concerns such as climate change, erosion, poor air quality, and polluted water. These negative impacts ultimately end up harming humans. As daunting as this may seem, humans have the necessary tools to face it.

For further study on this topic, the Center for Behavior & the Environment (BE Center) partnered with The Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel of the Global Environment Facility. They specifically explored the evidence of how behavior and social science can help solve environmental concerns such as the one listed above. 

They first made a realization that “for people problems, we need people solutions.” However, Katie Williamson, a senior associate and manager at the BE Center, states that “the approaches and methods we’re using now, many of them aren’t working…to really address these problems before they get worse.” Thus, this partnership was made to have a deeper look into social & behavioral science to create new environmental solutions. They first reviewed previously made research about behavioral science on environmental concern. Then, they translated the insights from the literature into practical guidance on how to perform in regards to environmental concern. Through this project, the members and volunteers of BE Center and The Global Environment Facility were able to inspire change through the science of human behavior so that people and nature can thrive. 

Space Debris: Is it a Problem for Earth?

Space Debris: Is it a Problem for Earth?

Written by Caleb Paik

Space debris, as the name suggests, is any piece of machinery or junk left by humans in space. More than 27000 pieces of space debris are found and tracked by Space Surveillance Network sensors but they fail to count tiny pieces of debris, which leads the total count to be much higher. The rising number of space debris increases the danger to all space vehicles, such as the international space station. Both the debris and spacecraft travel at extremely high speeds making even a small impact with a tiny piece of debris very dangerous. 

Due to these potential dangers, tracking the debris is necessary. The Department of Defense maintains a highly accurate satellite catalog on orbital debris, junk that orbits the Earth. This system regulates objects that are mostly all larger than a softball. With this, The DoD and NASA teamed up to regulate space debris more efficiently. With cooperation, they were able to regulate debris that are as small as 4 inches in diameter.  

While space debris can potentially greatly affect the people in space, how about the people on Earth? While it may seem unlikely, space debris can negatively affect the Earth’s environment and atmosphere. Researchers estimated that 80 tons of space debris re-enter Earth’s atmosphere each year. This debris can release compositional chemicals that reach the Earth’s atmosphere when they burn upon falling to Earth. These chemicals slowly deplete ozone, allowing more UV radiation to reach the Earth’s surface. When exposed to a lot, this radiation can cause skin cancer, cataracts, and weakened immune systems. Fortunately, Earth is quite large and even with tons of debris falling to Earth, the impact it has to its environment can be negligible. Human activity is far more of an issue that we must prioritize.  

Thursday, June 8, 2023

The Great Atlantic Sargassum Belt Problem

 The Great Atlantic Sargassum Belt Problem

Written by Grace Hyunjoo Lee

What is Sargassum? Sargassum is a species of leafy brown seaweed originating from the Atlantic Ocean and Southeast coast of the U.S. It supplies habitats and breeding grounds for various species of marine life. 

As summer is arriving, the bloom season of Sargassum is quickly approaching, but maybe a little too quickly this time. Beaches are already receiving an overabundance of this algae, the highest influx this early in the year; an 8,000 km long seaweed belt is drifting into Florida and Mexico.  Although it is vital for marine life to thrive, this year’s bloom is causing an array of issues. 

Through modern agriculture techniques, increased quantities of nutrients are sent downstream into the ocean. Warming waters and changes in atmospheric patterns can also change this seaweed's growth.

Excessive amounts of this substance are causing long brown carpets to be left on the sand and produce the smell of rotten eggs, repelling tourists as well as harming marine life. 

When the huge mats of Sargassum collect at the coast, marine animals can become trapped in or under it and cause breathing problems. It also prevents sunlight from reaching underwater, which is necessary for many plants and grasses. These grasses serve as a vital source of nutrients for many other organisms and Florida’s endangered manatees. 

It is not only causing a disturbance on the beaches but also giving rise to further toxic effects.

When it is washed up on the beaches, it is exposed to the hot sun, causing rapid decay and releasing Hydrogen Sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide is a highly toxic gas that can be dangerous to inhale at high levels. 

When the Sargassum dies following decay, it sinks to the ocean floor and smothers coral 

Moreover, the decomposition of algae removes oxygen from the waste and exacerbates the already existing issue, resulting in mass fish deaths.

Unfortunately, environmental laws restrict the removal of Sargassum from the ocean, and the installation of certain barriers or mechanisms can rely on either since they take longer to get approved. There are many opposing judgments about this occurrence; although Sargassum poses a threat to the local wildlife near the coasts, it stores carbon in the open ocean, which controls the level of carbon in the atmosphere. 





Thursday, May 25, 2023

Protein for dogs!


Edible insect cookies for dogs 

Recently, our Ecosave Club team had an exciting opportunity to make edible insect cookies for dogs. Through research, we discovered that dogs can benefit from edible insects as a protein source. However, during our conversation with a dog owner in Korea who feeds their pet edible insects, we learned that edible insect dog food is scarce in the market. This realization triggered our curiosity: why not create our own edible insect treats for dogs? 

With this question in mind, we all visited a Korean dog cafe where the owner kindly allowed us to create our own dog food recipe. We took our edible mealworm insect powder and decided to make cookies for dogs using the insect powder and other dog food ingredients. 

After making and designing the cookies, I had the chance to actually feed my own dog some of the cookies we made! She loved it! 

Through this endeavor, our Ecosave club team aims to continue promoting the value of edible insects within our local Korean community. By highlighting that edible insects are not only a source of valuable protein for humans but also for our pets, we hope to foster acceptance of this sustainable protein source. Together, we believe that we can change our community's perception of edible insects, promoting their usage as an eco-friendly solution that can benefit both humans and our lovely pets! 

photo of the cookies + edible mealworm powder

Written by Ella Hong 

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Environmental Injustice

  Environmental Injustice

Grace Hyunjoo Lee

We all have heard of the terms ‘climate change’ and ‘pollution’, but have you heard of environmental injustice? We don’t focus enough on it, yet the issue has been circulating for many decades. It shows how people are unfairly affected by environmental factors due to discrimination. The groups affected are mostly people of color or those with lower income, who are pushed into rural areas of the country where there can be various issues. The issues range from lack of proper filtration and pollution to not being able to provide citizens with basic needs, such as safe housing, clean water, food, and air. So how does this happen? One of the ways is when companies search for unethical methods or easy alternatives to maximize their profit. Corporations and even the government find cheap land to dump their toxic waste and chemicals into, where they intentionally neglect inferior populations.

A major area that represents the core of environmental injustice is Cancer Alley. Cancer Alley is a long area of land in the United States where over 150 petrochemical plants and refineries exist. The name is a direct representation of its living conditions; “its residents are 50 times more likely to develop cancer than the average American”(Colarossi). This is a major example of environmental racism since its residents are primarily black. The situation has gotten to its worst point, where now many honored members of society refer to this as another type of slavery. 

So how can we contribute to reaching environmental justice?

Simply educating yourself and those around you can make more people aware of their own actions, including what companies or brands they support. Discovering your local organizations, such as advocacy groups for social causes can promote their work and help more people reach it. 

Works Cited:

Rev. Ben Chavis, right, raises his fist as fellow protesters are taken to jail at the Warren County PCB landfill while protesting the dumping of contaminated soil in their community near Afton, North Carolina, on Thursday, Sept. 16, 1982.

Friday, April 7, 2023

Philippines Outreach

 Philippines Outreach

Grace Hyunjoo Lee

The members of Ecosave Club have been helping those in need in the Philippines in collaboration with Open Hands for many years. To list a few of the activities, we have been sponsoring children with no legal status so that they can obtain birth certificates and be registered as lawful citizens of the Philippines.  We also have been helping provide water kits to families who do not have access to clean water so that they can drink clean filtered water.  When the trip to the Philippines was confirmed with travel restrictions lifted, all 5 of us got excited that we could finally meet and interact with those in the Philippines.
The first place of visit for the outreach was Bay Town in Antipolo city. When we arrived there, many of the children were gathered in the open area and greeted us. Contrary to my imagination, the kids seemed to have positive energy. A few of the children even approached us and held out their hands, meaning they perceive us as respectable people. Taking this hand and holding it up to their forehead symbolizes sharing our luck with them. Through small acts like this, I learned that the children had a positive image of us and this made me want to leave a good impression of us and to try to understand them as well.

When I looked around the open area we met the children, I realized it was surrounded by a concrete structure with grids, which looked like a giant beehive. The structure was a cemetery with some rooms blocked and the rest open; the enclosed ones had corpses inside. The whole village were living next to the cemetery and the children were playing right in front of the dead bodies. During the rainy season, the water would fill up to 3 or 4 stories of the cemetery and when the water level comes down, water that filled the enclosed rooms and the corpses inside would flow out and children would play in the puddle of the water.
We walked around the village and found that most of the houses were very small and were built with wood panels and plastic tarps and I could imagine water dripping into the house when it rains. We visited 3 families to listen to their stories and to see how they are using water kits. Since the houses were very small, there was not enough space for all 5 of us to comfortably move, and it was very hot in the house with not enough ventilation. When I heard these houses weren’t the worst of them, I was shocked and understood how difficult their lives must be. All 3 of the families we visited said the water kits were very useful and it looked like they were diligently maintaining the kits for clean water. Some questions we asked about the difficulty they suffered from triggered emotional responses from the ladies, and it angered me that resources were not distributed equally amongst the social classes during the pandemic.
The contrast between the children’s moods and their quality of life struck me to realize how much happiness they can find from the little things they have while many of us are dissatisfied with abundance we possess.

Through this entire outreach experience, including Bay Town and the Cherryl school, I was able to connect deeply with the people here and understand their living circumstances much more. Directly communicating with the people who had been watching my educational videos was really exciting and motivated me for the next activities I will be doing with Ecosave!