Tuesday, May 31, 2022

How much of our clothes are wasted?

 Clothing Waste

Written by Caleb Paik

Fashion is quite a topic to talk about. I’m sure many of those who are reading this enjoy new styles of clothing and shoes. However, you have probably come across a time when your favorite shirt became too small to wear. So, you think of what to do. Do you donate it? Recycle it? Or do you trash it? What even happens to the ones that never get sold in the first place?

Clothes eventually end up in landfills or end up being burned. In fact, around 85% of our clothes end up being wasted. In the United States, it is estimated that around 80 pounds of clothes are thrown away each year. That is excluding every other country. So, what is the main cause of this issue?

The answer is manufacturers and clothing retailers. Manufacturers end up overproducing the supply of clothing, which also overstocks the retailers. As seasons change, unsold and extra clothes are thrown away to landfills. This is because these clothes were not made for other seasons. Even if manufacturers, clothing retailers, and we try to recycle the unwanted clothes, it is important to acknowledge that more than half of the clothes we own are not recyclable. This is largely due to the fact that many of our clothes are made with plastic fibers. These plastic fibers are almost impossible to reuse, contributing much to the pollution.

So, the question still remains. Why are manufacturers and clothing retailers using these non-recyclable materials and overproducing them? They are in control of what comes out of the factory. Yet, they are still using these plastic materials, when there are recyclable ones. It is time for them to act up and as consumers, we should spread awareness to this major issue. 


Threats to Biodiversity


Written by Caleb Paik

Earth is filled with a variety of life from individual organisms to entire ecosystems. This is called Biodiversity, the variety of life on Earth. It covers all living things, including humans. However, the biodiversity is in danger of threats. Let’s look further into this topic.

Why should people worry about this?

Biodiversity is extremely important to human development. These values include basic needs such as food, shelter, fuel, and other resources that are obtainable from biodiversity. Furthermore, ecosystems provide crucial help such as pollination, and climate regulation. More importantly, they can also provide medicine which is necessary for treatment against sickness. 

Threats to biodiversity

Now that we know why biodiversity is crucial to our lives, we need to spread awareness of the threats to biodiversity that can affect the planet. Although humans need to value biodiversity for their own needs, it is us that is actually harming it in the first place. Over the last century, humans have dominated the planet, causing rapid loss of biodiversity. An example that causes this loss is deforestation. Humans use wood for many things, such as fuel, paper, furniture, and weapons. However, this giant gathering of wood causes the decrease in biodiversity. 

It is our job and responsibility to take care of the planet. By understanding these threats to biodiversity, humans can make a change although it will take a very long time. However through this article, let us spread awareness so that we can be closer in achieving a healthier planet. 


Saturday, May 21, 2022


By Seojin David Lee

The Environmental Science & Technology journal published a revolutionary study: macro-organisms such as mealworms are not only capable of plastic decomposition but also safe for other animals to consume as protein-rich food.

Before the discovery made by a group of researchers at Stanford University, these particular mealworms were known to be able to digest polyethylene, the most commonly used chemical in producing plastic. The researchers brought more to the table: according to Anja Malawi Brandon, the same mealworms are also capable of decomposing another chemical called polystyrene. Such discovery is groundbreaking, as the two chemicals are quite dissimilar; hence, the mealworms are potentially capable of decomposing multiple types of plastic.

The subsequent revolutionary discovery emerged from the researchers' attempt to carry out their first breakthrough in plastic degeneration. The most obvious use case is the utilization of these mealworms to facilitate or manage natural plastic decomposition. In the process of their study, the researchers discovered that these mealworms could become safe, protein-rich food for other organisms. In fact, when the mealworms that fed on polyethylene, which could contain a bioaccumulative, toxic chemical called hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD), were provided as food to Pacific white shrimp, researchers found that the shrimp had no trace of toxicity or bioaccumulation. The mealworms were able to completely digest the chemicals found in the plastic, which allowed them to be a safe source of food for the shrimp. The result is hopeful: such mealworms could be introduced into the ecosystems to not only aid in natural plastic decomposition but also become a protein source for other organisms.

Although the study of safety and whether there is no toxicity at all is ongoing, the two discoveries are certainly promising. These mealworms could lead to a new, plastic-free world.


Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Plastic Waste

Plastic Pollution

Written by Caleb Paik

Plastic has become a global problem since the late 20th century. Plastic pollution is one of the most pressing environmental issues. The overproduction of plastic products makes it difficult for humans to deal with them. However, there are still ways we can decrease the amount of plastic waste in environments. 

First, let's find out what plastic waste/pollution is. Plastic waste/pollution is the accumulation of plastic objects that negatively affect biodiversity, including humans. However, oceans are the place where plastic waste has the most effect on. At least 18 million tons of plastic is dumped in the ocean and 80% of debris in oceans are plastic. This has a huge effect on marine life because marine species can ingest or get entangled in plastic, drastically harming their health. 

Although there are these huge problems, there are ways we can decrease the amount of plastic pollution in the world. Some of these solutions include:

- Stop buying water: Billions of plastic water bottles are wasted every year. Minimizing the use of plastic water bottles can help reduce plastic pollution.

- Recycle: Recycling is an obvious solution, but we are not doing a good job of it. However, recycling is one of the best options we have. 

- Wean yourself off disposable plastics: Converting from one-time plastic products to reusable ones can drastically help this problem. 

All in all, plastic waste is a drastic issue that is harming the world. Let's spread awareness of this problem so that we can reduce the amount of pollution in our world.

Soil Pollution

Human Effect on Soil

Written by Caleb Paik

Soil is essential in our lives. It acts as a water filter, provides habitat, contributes to biodiversity, and supplies many of the antibiotics used to fight diseases. So, why are we polluting it?

First, we need to know what soil pollution is. The Environmental Pollution Centers states that soil pollution is the presence of toxic chemicals in high concentrations that are enough to pose a threat to humans. Causes of soil pollution include:

  • Biological Agents, such as bacteria and fungi, work inside of soil to introduce manures from organisms. 

  • Agricultural Practices cause the soil to pollute to a great extent. For example, fertilizers add an abundant amount of nitrogen in soil, harming its nutrients.

  • Radioactive Pollutants, such as radium and uranium, infiltrates soil and adds toxic chemicals. 

  • Urban Waste consists of garbage and rubbish materials, overall harming the environment.

  • Industrial Waste includes steel, pesticides, glass, and cement, which are all noxious to the environment.

All of these pollutants have a major effect. Soil pollution is detrimental to anyone that is susceptible, including animals, humans and plants. However, factors such as age and general health status come into play. For example, children are more vulnerable to contaminants compared to adults because they come in more contact with soil. However, old adults are more susceptible to disease due to having a weaker immune system. Overall, the effects of soil pollution has its differences depending on certain factors. 

Finally, we can now go back to our main question: Why are humans polluting soil? Although there isn’t a definite answer, humans cause soil pollution mainly because of other work. This includes mining, industry, military activities, and so much more. However, it can also be an accidental or a deliberate cause, such as an improper disposal of waste which fits into both terms. Altogether, it is obvious that pollution overall is noxious to our world, but humans continue to do it. Therefore, I hope this report will spread awareness to decrease the amount of pollution there is in our world. 


  • https://www.soils.org/files/science-policy/sssa-marketing-2013.pdf

  • https://www.environmentalpollutioncenters.org/soil/