Monday, April 25, 2022

Cigarette Smoking and its Repercussions

 By Seojin David Lee

I am sure you need no introduction to cigarette smoking; nearly 20% of people in the world were cigarette smokers in 2014. Cigarette smoking is extremely common. Here in South Korea, almost every single convenience store has them for sale. The fact that cigarette smoking is detrimental to one’s health is common knowledge. It has dozens of risks to human health and may cause diseases such as lung cancer, type 2 diabetes, autoimmune disorders, and heart attack and stroke. Not only will it harm the smoker, but it also has the potential to harm people nearby. This is called second-hand smoke; as stated by Conserve Energy Future, “Those exposed to second-hand smoke are at high risk of suffering from most of the diseases and health complications associated with first-hand smoking.” However, there are further consequences caused by cigarette smoking, and these consequences are not exclusive to one’s health. Importantly, cigarette smoking is also dangerous to the environment.

The most direct way cigarettes are harming the environment is through their production. Because cigarettes are made from tobacco, which is only found in rainforests, trees in rainforests are being cut down. Deforestation is also the worst in rainforests, which may be correlated to cigarette production. As a huge portion of the world smoke cigarettes, there is gonna have to be a large number of trees in rainforests deforested to make up for these cigarettes. Deforestation is obviously destructive to the environment, as the absence of trees and plants may cause harmful effects such as soil erosion, less carbon dioxide being absorbed, and the decrease of biodiversity.

Another blatant way cigarettes are harming the environment is when they are being smoked. Cigarettes release carbon dioxide and methane into the air when smoked; this is something that should not be ignored, as it happens to be that carbon dioxide and methane are the two leading causes of climate change. In fact, cigarette smoking releases approximately 2.6 billion kilograms of carbon dioxide and 5.2 billion kilograms of methane annually. The effect on climate change by cigarettes is also amplified if you consider the production of it causing the deforestation of trees, as there will be fewer trees to absorb the carbon dioxide that will be emitted into the atmosphere. 

Lastly, cigarettes harm the environment even after they are done being used by the smoker. Walking down the streets of Seoul, it is common to see hundreds of cigarette butts scattered across the side of roads. It turns out that these cigarettes littered onto the floor are commonly washed into waterways and end up in bodies of water. According to the Ocean Conservancy, cigarette butts are the most common form of waste found in the ocean. In fact, “the International Coastal Cleanup program managed to clear about 3.2 million cigarette butts from waterways and beaches” in 2008. Waste in the ocean is detrimental to the marine environment, as marine animals will be harmed in various ways and the ocean water will be contaminated.

In conclusion, cigarette smoking is not only harmful to the smoker and people nearby but is also harmful to the environment. The production of cigarettes, the use of cigarettes, and the disposal of cigarettes are all contributing causes to climate change, deforestation, and marine pollution. Although it is up to the individual’s decision whether or not he or she would like to smoke a cigarette, I strongly urge everyone to stay away from the act as not only will it damage your health, it will also cause grave repercussions to the environment. 


Saturday, April 23, 2022

Journey to the best cookie ever for easter

    Journey to the best cookie ever for Easter 

        As the festival of April, Easter is a traditional holiday often celebrated by countless people around the world. Ella and I came up with the idea of making cookies for easter. Now, instead of making just a normal cookie, Ella came up with the idea of creating a more healthy and nutritious one by substituting sugar for mealworm powder. Through research, we concluded that mealworm powder also helps the environment in the long run, specifically, climate change. Products that are produced from insects have fewer greenhouse gas emissions and also relatively little ammonia. Greenhouse Gas and Ammonia are major factors of climate change; hence, the bottom line is, that using insect-based food is substantially better in many aspects including health and the environment. 

        The general idea of eating bugs, for instance, mealworms, can be devastating. Even Ella and I were honestly scared. Because we were so scared, we initially decided to add a little bit of powder and a little bit of sugar creating a balanced ratio. However, on the day of our recording, something in our minds gave us a signal that this wasn’t right. If we are making cookies for the environment and setting an example for a group of members to change daily habits, we couldn’t cheat. So instead of balancing the ratio, we substituted mealworm powder with sugar. Our initial thought prior to the baking stage was that the cookie will not be sweet and therefore, a horrible decision. Although the path to the final product of making well-designed easter egg cookies with lovely homemade icing was challenging, the final product was a legitimate cookie that contained sweetness. 

        As an individual who has never baked a cookie before, my praise goes to Ella for being such an amazing teacher. Even though I am very terrible at cooking, I successfully made the mealworm cookie by going step by step. Next Easter, you should join us in the journey of making tasty, nutritious, and environmentally friendly food. 

Video Tutorial:

Video Creator: Ella Hong

Writer: Sungjoon Choo 

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Earth Hour

Earth Hour

Written by Caleb Paik

Landmarks around the world went dark as the lights were switched off on March 26 for the Earth Hour.

Earth Hour is an hour long worldwide event that is organized by the World Wildlife Fund. This event is held annually, encouraging individuals to turn off electric lights for one hour from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. on the last Saturday of March. This event aims to raise awareness to the perils of climate change. 

In 2007, the first Earth Hour event was held in Sydney, Australia. Since then, over 190 countries around the globe participated in this event in order to show commitment to the planet. Landmarks such as the London Eye, Colosseum, and the Sydney Opera House all participated in this event by turning off their electric lights. 

Recently, I also participated in this event. On March 26, for an hour, I turned off all the lights and used candles. It was definitely an interesting experience and throughout it all, I was able to learn that climate change really is a drastic issue that many individuals tend to ignore. By writing this report, I hope that we can all spread awareness that climate change should be taken seriously.

My participation of Earth Hour

My participation of Earth Hour

Water Pollution

Water Pollution 

Written by Caleb Paik

Did you know that 70% of industrial waste is dumped into water and 80% of water pollution is caused due to domestic sewage? This report will further tell you more about what water pollution is, and how it affects our world.

What is Water Pollution?
Water pollution is simply the contamination of a body of water caused by substances that propose a threat to natural life. These substances can cause the water to be unusable for drinking, swimming, cleaning and other activities. 

Causes and Effects of Water Pollution
As mentioned before, water pollution can be caused by substances that are toxic to the environment. However, the most common cause of poor water condition is human activity. As we all know, degenerating water quality damages the environment. For example, it can cause the destruction of biodiversity, specifically aquatic ecosystems. This can also lead to the contamination of the food chain, resulting in negative effects to other animals who feed in fish. 

What are some ways to reduce water pollution? 
Soon enough, clean water will become a resource that many people might not have access to. In order to prevent this issue, we must take measures like the following:

- Reduce carbon dioxide emissions to prevent global warming, as well as acidification of the oceans.

- Restrict the use of plastic that end up in rivers, lakes, or oceans.

- Dispose of toxic chemicals properly; Chemicals, such as bleach, that are dumped down the drain or the toilet is a serious cause of water pollution. 

- Water conservation; Clean water is a scarce resource, which is why it is important to lessen water usage as much as possible.

- Minimize the disposal of materials down the toilets.

All in all, water pollution is a serious problems that affects the environment negatively. We must take action in order to reduce water pollution for we are the main cause of it. It is important that we spread awareness to this problem. Help make the world a better place!