Sunday, June 27, 2021

Fundrasing Event for Birth Registration of Children in the Philippines

Members of the Ecosave Club organized a fundraising event to help pay for the registration fees for birth registration of children in poverty in the Philippines who lack birth registration. It is said that 10.9% of children in poverty in the Philippines do not receive formal education because their births are not registered.

To raise funds for children's birth registration, our members sold pretty Daku stickers to decorate diaries along with various Open Hands goods. We hope that our efforts will support children in achieving their dreams!

by Seojin David Lee

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Mega Show - Kintex

Our bughouse365 team participated in the mega show at Kintex, Ilsan. Here, cookies, macarons, and foods all of which were made from edible insect powder were introduced and promoted. We had a bee experiment booth which attracted many people to come visit and learn more about edible insects and the impacts they have on us.
the insect experiment booth
We also interviewed people at the mega show and it showed that more people are now aware of the positive aspects of edible insects. In Particular, younger children appeared to be more open to the idea of edible insect food. However, there were still many people who refused to try the edible insect food, showing a sense of rejection. We feel that spreading awareness towards the younger generation would be more effective.

By Ella Nakyo Hong

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Second Birthday Project


Second Birthday Project

Did you know that there are about 200 million children aged 0 to 14 who do not have birth certificates in the Philippines? Yes, it's true. I was shocked to see the number and felt terribly sad for those children who are deprived of an ordinary and normal life. The children cannot enroll or graduate from schools making it difficult for them to get a job, cannot make bank accounts, cannot vote, and cannot receive medical treatment.

Our Ecosave club together with Open Hands has decided to participate in the Second Birthday Project to help these neglected children. With the birth certificates registered, they can receive the benefits of social welfare such as basic medical checkups, treatment, and vaccinations to lead a healthy life that all people are entitled to as citizens. Also, they can receive proper education to pursue their dreams of getting a job to obtain financial independence and eventually start a family to fulfill a happy life as an adult. 

Yes, we can make a difference. Let's save these children and their future.

By. Alex Sangwook Ahn