Friday, May 22, 2015

Eco Save Club Awareness Campaign at the Seoul Art Center

From May 11th to 16th at the Seoul Art Center, the biggest multi-performance center in Seoul, S.Korea, Eco-Save Club run an awareness campaign on pressing environmental issues. As a part of Art Korea 2015 Exhibition, our club rented a booth and welcomed visitors with any environment concerns. WWF(World Wildlife Fund)-Korea partly sponsored the campaign with 100 comic books donation. The comic books, which explains the environmental issues easy and friendly, were very popular among visitors,within the first two days, they were all gone.
Based on this successful awareness campaign, we will try to reach out to broader audience during the upcoming summer.

Reported by Alberta Yoo

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Ocean Pollution: a Cruise Ship Pollute as much as 13 million Cars in One day

The cruise industry markets its ocean voyages as a chance for vacationers to “return to the sea” and forget their troubles onshore.
But keeping 5,000 people afloat, fat, and happy comes with hidden environmental costs.
The 16 major cruise lines plying the waters today generated more than 1 billion gallons of sewage in 2014. Thanks to lax laws, ships can dump that sewage straight into international waters—polluting the pristine ocean near cruise destination hot spots.
This year, the industry is expecting a record 23 million passengers to hit the high seas—meaning the problem isn’t going away anytime soon.
Original story reported by Taylor Hill
Reported by Alberta Yoo

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Tips on how to conserve water

Photo source:

One of the environmental issues we face is shortage of water. Although water occupies 70% of the earth, it is evident that supply of water is decreasing rapidly. Water shortage is a crisis faced by all nations regardless of income, GDP and race. Unless everyone of us take the responsibility to consciously conserve water, the current water shortage will only increase which may eventually make water one of the most expensive commodity in the world. Our efforts to conserve water should start at home. The following are very helpful tips we can all practice at our home to conserve water. 

How to conserve water in your:

Laundry Room
General Indoor

Source: Water Use it Wisely (

Posted by Daniel Kim 

Saturday, May 2, 2015

An Empty Landscape

     About 60% of giant herbivores - plant eaters - including rhinos, elephants, and gorillas are at risk of extinction, says a research. 

     A recent article in a magazine, Science Advances, blamed poaching and habitat loss for the analysis of 74 herbivore species. A previous study of large carnivores showed similar declines. Professor William Ripples from Oregon State University added, "The process of declining animals is causing an empty landscape in the forests, savannah, grasslands, and desert."

According to the research, the decline is happening by a number of factors including habitat loss, hunting for meat or body parts, and competition for food and resources. For example, with rhinoceros horn worth more than gold, diamonds or cocaine on illegal markets, rhinos could be extinct in the wild within 20 years in Africa, says researchers. 

The consequences of large herbivore decline include:
-Loss of habitat: for example, elephants maintain forest clearings by trampling vegetation.
-Effects on food chain
-Seed dispersal: large herbivores eat seeds which are carried over long distances
-Impact on human: billions of people depend rely on wild meat

The biggest losses are in South East Asia, India, and Africa.