Thursday, February 28, 2013

Korea's carbon free island, 'Ga-Pa-Island'

Gapa Island is located between Je-ju Island and Mara Island, the southernmost island in Korea.  It currently has 310 households and is an islet of Je-ju District.

After being named as one of the new seven wonders of nature, Je-ju Island plans to go green 100% by 2030.  It hopes to stop using fossil fuels and use renewable energy sources to meet all the energy requirement of its residents. To achieve this goal, Je-ju island is going to build wind farms, solar power plants, and offshore sea turbines.  And, Gapa Island is chosen as a pilot program.

Gapa Island previously received its power from diesel generators, which produced over 780 tons of green house gas emissions each day. In cooperation with local and central government agencies, Gapa Island has now changed over to carbon free energy grid. It is run 100 percent by renewable energy sources from wind turbines to solar panels. Every household on Gapa Island is equipped with solar panels and energy efficient power generators. 

Mr. Yang, Yeong-Bu, an Gapa Island resident, mentioned in an interview that his utility bill went from $44 a month to 90 cents a month.  Gapa Island's elementary schools are also benefitted from the new supply of renewable energy. They can enjoy digital devices at an extremely lower cost.

Gapa Island is the first step in 'Carbon-free-Je-ju Island 2030' project. With Gapa Island's success, Je-ju Island hopes to become a global model of self sustaining green island.

Images: Google images

Drinking water out of air

I came upon an interesting video on the youtube.
The capital city of Peru, Lima, has two inches of rainfall a year which makes  people to search water from the ground to build wells. But Peru's atmospheric humidity is roughly 98%, indicating that the air is filled with water.

The students from UTEC(Universidad de Ingenieria & Technologia) came up with cool idea of making a billboard which extracts moisture out of the humid air and turns it into potable drinking water. 

The technology behind the mechanics are in the video. How cool it would be to fill up your tumbler from the billboard post from the street! 

Images: Google images

Climate change petition to President Obama


I just signed the petition "President Obama: Take action on climate change." on

It's important. Will you sign it too? Here's the link:

