Sunday, August 15, 2010

Eco-generation street campaign

On August 12, 'Eco-generation' hit the street!

Eight ambassadors from Korea gathered in Itaewon, Seoul, favorite hang-out place for foreigners. We set a booth where passersby could see the on-going environmental problems of Korea and pledge for green-conscious-life.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Laying Claim to the Rich Arctic Seafloor

The United States, Canada, and Russia are competing again for the vast riches under the Arctic Sea. The United Nations has reached a decision that the three nations are only to drill the resources two hundred kilometers from the edge of their continental shelf. However, all of the countries are claiming that their continental shelves reach far beyond the expected point. Russia has even stated that their continental shelf was beyond the North Pole. Therefore, all three nations started to send expeditions in order to clarify where their own continental shelves end.

Russia sent a small cruiser in order to investigate the North Pole to see if their continental shelf really does exceed the special point. Meanwhile, the United States and Canada are cooperating to investigate Beaufort Bay and the area off the coast of Alaska and Canada, which is constantly disputed among the two nations. Finally, BP and Canada has decided to erect the first drilling platform in the area owned by Canada. Pressure is building up because the United Nations will have to decide who will own the Arctic Ocean by 2013, and already the three nations are pressuring and urging the main committee.