Thursday, October 3, 2024

Little Hands Learning Center

Little Hands

Written by Caleb Cheha Paik

Last spring, EcoSave members traveled to Tanza 1, a remote village in the Philippines, to meet and interact with the children and families living there. EcoSave initiated Little Hands, a daycare center, for these children, and has been sponsoring it ever since. This center provides education but mainly serves as their communal home for children to bond as one family.  

This past summer, these children received an opportunity to have a field trip to downtown Antipolo City. They could experience things they had never seen before: playgrounds, arcades, shopping malls, etc. Supervisors, chaperones, and teachers of the daycare center described the event as life-changing. The children started to have "self-confidence", "[socialized] with each other through various activities", and "learned to listen and give to others." 

One teacher of Little Hands claims that her goal as an educator is to "explore every potential of the students, cultivate them in things they can't do, give them the right and appropriate knowledge, and teach them the good Word of God." Empowered by this disposition, teachers and volunteers strive to help these children daily. By promoting academic and biblical lessons, these teachers hope that the children of Tanza 1 can live a satisfying life. Despite the harsh living conditions, the children are optimistic, verifying how even little acts of service can influence the lives of these children. 

As EcoSave, along with myriad other volunteers, continues to support and nurture Little Hands, the impact of their work extends beyond just education. The field trip to Antipolo City was a glimpse of what these children could achieve with the right opportunities and guidance. The joy, confidence, and sense of community they experienced during this trip have sown seeds of hope and ambition in their young hearts.

Looking ahead, EcoSave is committed to organizing more activities and initiatives that will broaden the lives of these children. We envision a future where children like those of Tanza 1 not only survive but thrive, becoming well-rounded individuals who can contribute positively to their community. The work is far from over, but with continued dedication and support, there is a promising path ahead.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Promoting Insect Appreciation with Black Soldier Fly Stickers

Promoting Insect Appreciation with Black Soldier Fly Stickers

Written by Caleb Cheha Paik

EcoSave recently launched a unique initiative aimed at fostering a deeper appreciation for insects, specifically Black Soldier Flies (BSF). Specifically, we packaged and distributed BSF-themed stickers to ten children’s libraries across South Korea, to reshape the public perception of insects and promote environmental awareness.

Insects are often misunderstood and even seen as unappealing or unpleasant. However, our mission was to highlight the environmental benefits of BSF, including their role in composting and waste reduction. These insects can break down organic waste efficiently, making them essential to addressing issues of food waste and soil health.

The sticker campaign, designed to be both fun and educational, featured playful illustrations of BSF, each accompanied by common phrases used in texts. The hope was that children would begin to see insects as essential players in environmental conservation rather than pests to be avoided.

By sending these stickers to ten children's libraries across South Korea, EcoSave aimed to reach children at an early age, helping them develop a respect for all creatures. Additionally, the initiative emphasized the importance of considering waste management strategies to combat climate change. This campaign is one of many innovative approaches we use to inspire communities to rethink their relationship with the natural world. By transforming how people, especially children, perceive insects, we hope to contribute to a future where biodiversity is cherished and sustainability is a priority.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Air Pollution and Public Health

Written by Caleb Cheha Paik

Air pollution emerged as a significant concern for public health in recent years. As urbanization and industrialization continue to increase, polluted air is a part of society, harmfully affecting the well-being of people around the world. 

Air pollution contains harmful pollutants primarily from the combustion of fossil fuels, vehicular exhaust, and industrial emissions. Specifically, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, ozone, and carbon monoxide are some of the toxic substances that permeate the air. These pollutants not only spoil the atmosphere of society but also pose a significant threat to respiratory and cardiovascular health.

According to the World Health Organization, around 2.4 billion people are adversely affected by air pollution every year. Additionally, there are around 7 million premature deaths annually caused by ambient and household air pollution. 

As mentioned before, these deaths concern respiratory and cardiovascular health. Particulate matter can easily penetrate the respiratory system of an individual, causing inflammation and worsening pre-existing conditions such as asthma. Prolonged exposure to these molecules can lead to irreversible lung damage, leading to these numbers of deaths. Beyond respiratory concerns, air pollution has a profound impact on cardiovascular health. Long-term exposure to pollutants like nitrogen dioxide and ozone leads to an increased risk of heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular diseases. Furthermore, these particles can infiltrate the bloodstream, causing inflammation and harmful effects on blood vessels. 

The World Health Organization recognizes the urgency of the situation and they make efforts that mitigate the impact of air pollution on public health. For example, they bring awareness to transitioning to cleaner energy sources, promoting sustainable transportation, and implementing strict environmental regulations that are crucial steps in establishing a balance between the air and health.

All in all, air pollution is a public health challenge that demands immediate global attention. Recognizing the adverse consequences can bring awareness to the importance of prioritizing clean air initiatives, especially for the well-being of vulnerable individuals and future generations.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Piezoelectricity: An Alternative Source

Written by Caleb Cheha Paik

Piezoelectricity is seldom recognized as a great energy source. However, diving down into its true functionality, piezoelectricity can exceed other energy sources, especially in terms of sustainability. Piezoelectricity is the ability of certain materials to generate electricity in response to applied mechanical pressure. This ability allows for many possibilities to generate electricity, making it a promising alternative to traditional energy sources. 

One of the most intriguing factors of this energy source is its versatility. Piezoelectricity can be harnessed through various means, ranging from footsteps on a busy sidewalk to vibrations emitted by machinery. This means that piezoelectricity can be harnessed easily by being implemented into traditional applications, such as walking, in order to capture the wasted energy and convert it into usable electrical power. 

Many urban cities worldwide are already implementing piezoelectric tiles in public spaces to capture the energy generated by the footsteps. One such reason is its great potential in the field of renewable energy. While piezoelectricity is entirely renewable, it also enhances other types of renewable energy. For example, wind turbines can be implemented with piezoelectric tiles so that energy from wind-induced vibrations can be captured, in addition to the electricity generated by the actual turbines.

While this technology holds a promising future, it is also important to note the drawbacks. There are still challenges to overcome, such as optimizing material efficiency, improving durability, and reducing production costs. However, ongoing research in this technology drives progress, which is slowly bringing out the full potential of piezoelectricity.

In conclusion, piezoelectricity represents a promising alternative to traditional sources of energy. It serves as a clean, renewable, and versatile energy source that can convert energy into electricity with simple applications. Thus, by harnessing electricity through this technology, a future that is energy-abundant, safe, and clean can be obtained.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Tidal Energy: A Promising Alternative

Tidal Energy: A Promising Alternative

Written by Caleb Cheha Paik

When people think of renewable energy, the prominent sources that come to mind are solar, wind, hydropower, etc. However, most people don’t think of addressing the immense potential tidal energy can have. Unlike traditional sources of renewable energy that depend on specific weather conditions, tidal energy harnesses the reliable and predictable movement of ocean tides. These ocean tides are affected by the gravitational forces of the moon and the sun, and they can be converted into electricity through modern technology. As the world seeks these kinds of alternatives to fossil fuels, understanding the benefits of tidal energy is paramount. 

One of the primary advantages of tidal energy lies in the ocean’s predictability. While weather patterns can be hard to predict, tidal currents can be easily discerned as they follow patterns of the lunar cycle. This allows tidal energy to be a consistent source of renewable energy as it provides stable, perpetual power. 

Moreover, being a source of renewable energy, tidal energy has minimal impact on the environment compared to traditional fossil fuels. They don’t emit greenhouse gasses or other pollutants that fossil fuels do emit. This results in cleaner air and reduced carbon emissions, thus less global warming.

Another benefit to tidal energy is its high energy output. Compared to other renewable sources of energy, tides have great density, allowing tidal turbines to generate more significant amounts of energy. This makes it suitable for coastal regions with strong tides and waves. 

While there are many more benefits, it is important to mention the challenges. Tidal energy comes with high initial costs, technological complexity, and a small potential environmental impact on marine ecosystems. However, many of these challenges can be mitigated with ongoing research and development efforts. 

ll in all, tidal energy represents a promising future for sustainably amassing large amounts of electricity. Harnessing the power of tides can help reduce the use of traditional fossil fuels that continue to harm the planet. And it’s not like we are running out of oceanic water. So, why not implement it into society? 

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Environmental Awareness

Written by Caleb Cheha Paik

Living in an era marked by global advancements in technology, environmental awareness is paramount. Furthermore, as the world shifts to industrialization, the demand for a delicate balance between human activities and the health of the environment has reached its climax. 

Environmental awareness involves the relationship between human actions and the natural world. Specifically, we need to recognize the impact of our choices on ecosystems, biodiversity, and the climate. Environmental awareness also means going beyond just knowledge and acknowledgment of the issue at hand. It calls for a commitment and willingness to make eco–friendly decisions in daily life. 

One of the most important challenges we currently face is climate change. Climate change is the consequence of greenhouse gas emissions. These emissions are primarily caused by human activity. Due to climate change, there are rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and melting ice that are reminders for imperative action for sustainable practices. Environmental awareness encourages individuals to reduce their carbon footprint by influencing them to embrace green technologies, adopt eco-friendly transportation, support renewable energy sources, and many more. 

Another critical issue that requires attention is biodiversity loss. Common human activities such as deforestation, pollution, and habitat destruction threaten numerous species. A society that is aware of these issues can recognize the value of preserving biodiversity. Specifically, every species plays a significant role in their respective ecosystems. Efforts to protect these species can help enhance their roles, which can ultimately bring benefits to humans.

Education plays a pivotal role in fostering environmental awareness. Schools, communities, and businesses should and must prioritize environmental education to bring responsibility in society. Promoting this deeper understanding is crucial for building a sustainable future for the younger generation. 

Overall, we must prioritize environmental awareness in our lives by fostering a balanced relationship between human activity and the environment. Even small individual actions can have a significant impact when it is globally multiplied. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024



Written by Caleb Cheha Paik

    Urbanization has been the defining trend of the 21st century. Sure, urbanization brings about economic development, enhanced infrastructure, and improved living conditions. However, the dark sides to urbanization can outweigh these benefits. As cities expand and populations soar, the environmental toll becomes increasingly evident, posing many significant threats to our planet.

    One of the most conspicuous consequences to urbanization is air pollution. The surge of industries, vehicles, and energy consumption in urban areas leads to heightened levels of air pollutants, such as nitrogen and sulfur dioxide. These pollutants not only compromise air quality but most definitely contribute to diseases related to the respiratory system, posing a serious threat to people in urban areas. Furthermore, these pollutants may include greenhouse gasses that can increase the process of global warming, posing a global threat. 

    The rapid expansion of cities often results in clearing vast areas of land for development. This clearing mostly includes deforestation, which not only destroys vital ecosystems but also diminishes the planet’s ability to absorb carbon dioxide, a key contributor to climate change.

    As populations grow, so does the demand for water. The extraction of water for multiple purposes often leads to the depletion of local water sources, causing scarcity in many areas. Additionally, poor waste management systems result in the contamination of water, further jeopardizing the health of ecosystems and the communities that rely on the sources. 

    Finally, the conversion of natural landscapes into urban areas has consequences for biodiversity. The destruction of habitats and ecosystems disrupt the balance of green landscapes and animals. Many species struggle to survive or adapt in the face of rapid, immense change, leading to a decline in biodiversity. This loss of biodiversity not only diminishes the value of landscapes but also disrupts essential ecosystem services, such as pollination. 

    While urbanization brings undeniable benefits, its negative environmental impact cannot be ignored. Conservation practices and planning must be implemented into society to address these environmental challenges;. Only through mindful and sustainable urbanization can we hope to mitigate the adverse effects on the environment.